Get cold and lose fat!

Philip Kasumu
4 min readMay 30, 2016


Hey folks, miss me?

I’m back bringing you guys useful content (I hope) that can help you make subtle changes to your chaotic lives and get you healthier!

So lets get straight to it, what I want to share with you this week is how you can speed up the fat loss process by doing something very simple… Getting cold.

Yes you read that right; I want you to freeze your bullocks off! Also known as Ice therapy. But before you close this blog post and block me on social media hear me out

Our bodies hold fat (some more than others) but what you probably don’t know is that your body holds two different types of fat. White fat and Brown fat. Now white fats are the fats that sit around your waist, belly and hips, it’s the annoying fat that everyone wants to get rid of. Brown fats on the other hand is the type of fat that burns calories, increases your metabolic rate and uses white fat as an energy source to create heat in the body and thus burns away the white fat.

I know right!

Through a process called thermogenesis the brown fats act as your internal radiator and heats up your body when you’re cold. Have you ever been so cold it feels like your burning?? One of the most important functions this brown fat has is to burn off fatty acids, and glucose, as heat. Doctors used to think only babies hold vast amounts of brown fats as babies can’t shiver when they’re cold (maybe a useless fact… you decide) However, over the last few years studies have shown that adults do infact hold browns fats and guess what… Women hold more than men!

“So what do I need to do” you ask!? Get closer to the screen and I’ll tell you…

Move back…


You need to get cold. Get very cold. The aim of the game is to speed up the fat loss process so you need to get cold, regularly…and safely of course. Have a couple of cold showers, one in the morning and in the evening. Doctors have found that adults hold large amounts of brown fats around the neck area so get some ice packs and get it around your neck for 10–15 mins or so in the day. Get it on whilst your watching Euro 2016 (lads) or Orange is the new black (ladies… some lads) you could even put your feet in a bucket of ice water for 5–10mins a few times a day to decrease your temperature in order to activate those brown fats. With summer coming up too I’m sure a few cold showers would be bearable….

But wait…

Disclaimer time!

Yes this does work, however you cannot out freeze a bad diet… Sadly…

I bet you thought I was finally telling you the secret they didn’t want you to know about fat loss * DJ Khalid voice *… HA!

Unfortunately this is not a “lose fat in 3 days” post or a shortcut that allows you to lose weight whilst on a Prosecco only diet . Its something that can certainly help you on your journey but only along with a good diet and regular exercise. Yes all other factors must be in play for this to be effective.

Throw this into your routine for a couple of weeks and watch what happens! You’ll be dropping fat like nobodies business! ;-)

Let me know how you get on, just tweet or instagram DM me @philipkasumu

Hope you enjoyed this post. If you did, please share, if you didn’t… Please share?




Philip Kasumu

I’m just trying to make the world a healthier place! Interested in fitness, nutrition and startups @philipkasumu