Jiaogulan: Uses and history in traditional medicine

Herbs of immortality — The miracle herb of alternative medicin

Health Publication
7 min readDec 15, 2023


Jiaogulan Herbs of immortality
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Jiaogulan, also known as “herbs of immortality”, is one of Asia’s lesser-known medicinal herbs. The plant that bears the botanical “Gynostemma pentaphyllum” has been used almost exclusively in traditional medicine for centuries in the mountains of southern China.

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), as we know it, began far from the center of the country. Jiaogulan, therefore, is not included in TCM’s standardised system and is not used as widely as other medicinal plants.

The herb of immortality is a old tradition. This article will tell you more about the history, and traditional use of this Chinese medicinal plant.

Gynostemma Pentaphyllum — History and Botany

Discovery, the “herb for immortality”

Jiaogulan has been used in Asia by a few areas for many years. How did the herb, which was used exclusively in folk medicine for centuries, suddenly attract worldwide attention?

In the 1970s China conducted a massive Census. In some areas, especially the province Guizhou, people lived longer than the average, often for more than 100 years. The elderly residents of these regions had been drinking Jiaogulan Tea for most of their lives. “herbs of immortality” was born, as were numerous projects that revolved around this mysterious plant.

Other names for the herb of immortality include Woman’s Ginseng, and Five-Leaf Ginseng. Jiaogulan is not related to ginseng. Name reference is due to a different cause: during the extensive research done on Jiaogulan towards the end of 20th century, it was discovered that a number ingredients are identical or similar to those found in ginseng. We will look into these in more detail later.

Plants have many botanical characteristics

Jiaogulan, also known as perennial herb, is an annual plant. Its bulbous roots remain underground in winter and do not die. The plant will produce new shoots as soon as the weather warms up in spring.

Height of the plant is highly dependent on external factors. Under ideal conditions, it can reach up to 8 meters. leaves have a green shade, and are composed of five-lobed composite leaf segments. Jiaogulan, also known as 5 leaf ginseng, is a result of this optical characteristic. The shrub bears small, white-greenish flowers in the summer.

Jiaogulan is native to China, India and Japan. It also grows in Korea, Thailand, Korea, Thailand, Thailand, and throughout Malaysia. The cultivation and care of the herb are relatively simple. You can grow it yourself, either in a pot or your garden.

The leaves can be used in making tea , or as a pure food. The flavor is sweetish tart. Jiaogulan plant parts can be made into extracts as is standard for medicinal plants. The active ingredients are concentrated in these extracts.

Traditional uses of Jiaogulan

Active ingredients in Jiaogulan

Ginenosides are some of the active ingredients in Jiaogulan.

Researchers were surprised by this discovery. The researchers were surprised by this discovery, as the secondary substances of plants are normally only produced within the same plant family. Ginseng belongs to Araliaceae, while Jiaogulan is from the Cucurbitaceae family.

The active ingredients in Korean ginseng is called ginsenosides. While the substances found in jiaogulan, are gypenosides. The two groups are structurally related to the class of Saponins.

Saponin comes from the Latin word “sapo”, which means soap. When combined with water, they produce a foam that resembles soap. [21] Saponins have a wide range of effects on the human body. Saponin-containing plant parts are well known for their expectorant antiinflammatory, and immunestimulant effects.

The gypenosides in jiaogulan are also rich in flavonoids, such as rutin or quercetin.

Many fruits and vegetables contain colouring compounds called flavonoids. They can attract pollinators, or protect against herbivores, depending on their structure. In terms of health, they are known for their antibacterial, and antioxidant properties.

Jiaogulan is primarily a healing plant because of its flavonoids and gypenosides. Numerous studies have been conducted since the climbing plant was discovered in the 1970s.

Scientists believe that the following areas of application are especially promising:

Diabetes and blood glucose regulation

Numerous studies have been conducted to determine the effects of jiaogulan in diabetes, blood sugar levels and.

In a 12-week clinical trial, 24 patients with type-2 diabetes were given either jiaogulan tea or a placebo tea. Both groups received diet and exercise advice. The jiaogulan led to significant improvements in both short-term and long-term blood sugar metrics for the treatment group when compared with the control group.

Another research project, which involved 25 participants, found that combining a diabetes drug with an extract from jiaogulan over a period of 8 weeks led to higher blood glucose levels compared with treatment using the prescribed drug alone.

In other preclinical tests, the herb of immortality has been able to demonstrate its blood sugar-lowering abilities. The gypenosides in the herb of immortality also seem to have an positive impact on type 2 diabetes , which is the cause. The body cells of those with diabetes are therefore less sensitive to insulin. In turn, the cells of patients with diabetes absorb less glucose (i.e. The blood sugar level rises. The level of blood sugar increases.

A second preclinical study indicates that grapeseed extract and jiaogulan enhance each other’s positive effects on Insulin Resistance. The combined effect of the two compounds was greater than their individual effects. This type of mutually beneficial effect is called a Synergy.

The studies conducted on humans have a small sample size and are therefore not representative. They do, however, indicate that jiaogulan may be an option to support established diabetes treatment methods.

Treatment of lipometabolic diseases

Jiaogulan is also promising in treating dyslipidemia.

In a clinical trial, the Chinese plant managed to reduce levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in blood. These three substances are linked to the development of many diseases.

In the jiaogulan study, the HDL values for the group increased. HDL, a protein, is responsible in part for removing excess cholesterol. An increase in HDL is therefore considered positive.

Further studies could confirm the positive effects of the plant on blood lipid levels.

The researchers also suggested that jiaogulan could be used as a medicine to treat the condition called “non-alcoholic fatty hepatitis”. More research in this field is required.

Antioxidant properties

The herb of immortality is a remarkable anti-oxidant that has effects on the body.

It can protect you against oxidative stresses and their negative effects. Oxidative Stress is caused when the amount of free radicals and antioxidants present are greater than each other.

Free radicals is oxygen compounds that have an unpaired electronic. These molecules are highly reactive because they desperately need an extra electron to be stable. can steal the electrons from other molecules. then forms a radical.

Antioxidants are able to neutralise radicals, and therefore stop them attacking your cells.

It is normal to have free radicals present in your body. The excess of these compounds over the radical scavengers is what causes health problems. “oxidative Stress”, could have a detrimental effect to your health over the long-term. You can avoid this by living a healthy life.

Various studies have shown that Jiaogulan has the ability to reduce oxidative stress and its effects. It is also known to boost the concentration of superoxide dimutase within the body. SOD is a powerful antioxidant. Researchers have found that its concentration is proportional to the life expectancy of different animal species . Maybe the herb of immortality can also increase life expectancy in humans. This question needs to be answered by more research.

Adaptogenic properties

Jiaogulan’s adaptogenic properties are also well-known in traditional Chinese medicine. The plant’s adaptogenic effects can help your body cope with stress and improve performance.

In a preclinical trial, the adaptogenic properties were examined. The treatment was either a placebo (saline solution) or extracts from Gynostemma Pentaphyllum. The group that received jiaogulan had a greater physical performance than the placebo group at the end of this study. Jiaogulan treatment improved some blood parameters related to fatigue.

Additional areas of application

The best research is being done on the use of jiaogulan as an antioxidant, for diabetes and lipid metabolism disorders. The Chinese herbal medicine could be beneficial to other diseases.

Preclinical studies have been conducted on the effects of jiaogulan in ulcers, Parkinson’s disease and asthmatic allergic reactions. The plant’s regulatory effects on the immune system and the body weight are also being studied.

Conclusion: Is Herb of Immortality A Myth Or Reality?

For many centuries, Jiaogulan has been used as a folk medicine in certain regions of Asia. It is similar to Korean ginseng, but less well-known. End of 20th century, it was found that the consumption of Jiaogulan Tea led to the special longevity in some Chinese residents. The plant was given the name “herbs of immortality” because it is said to have a long life.

The effects of Jiaogulan have been extensively researched since then. According to studies the herb appears to be especially promising for the support treatment of diabetes and disorders of lipid metabolism as well as an anti-oxidant.

It has not been determined definitively whether or why the herb could have a lifespan-prolonging affect. However, antioxidants and adaptogenic qualities of the plant are thought to play a part. Researchers suspect that there is a close connection between insulin and biological ageing. The regulating effects of jiaogulan could also be of importance .



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