Make 2024 the Year You Prioritize Your Brain: Why Memory Screenings Matter

Give your mind the attention it deserves this year.

Kate Byrd, PharmD
Health Publication
3 min readJan 6, 2024


Young woman showing elderly woman a cell

New year, new resolutions. But amidst the fitness goals and career aspirations, consider adding a crucial health check to your list: a memory screening.


Because it’s the proactive step you need to safeguard your brain health!

What Are Memory Screenings?

Memory screenings, offered by organizations like the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America (AFA), are simple yet powerful tools. They consist of a series of questions that assess your memory and overall brain function. Think of it as a quick check-up for your cognitive abilities.

Why Do I Need a Memory Screening?

Memory screenings aren’t just for those worried about memory loss. Just like regular check-ups for your body, they offer a strategic way to identify potential problems early.

Early Detection Matters

For Alzheimer’s and dementia, early diagnosis makes a world of difference. Doctors offer treatments that slow the disease’s progression, and patients gain access to clinical trials, support groups, and valuable community resources.

Don’t wait for symptoms to appear. Memory screenings are essential for your brain health. Age doesn’t matter — everyone should include them in their routine regularly.

Identifying Other Causes of Memory Loss

Even if dementia or Alzheimer’s isn’t the culprit, memory issues can stem from various health issues.

Possible causes of memory problems include:

Empowerment Through Awareness

Memory screenings are a powerful tool to manage and safeguard your brain health. Whether young or old, it’s never too early or too late to undergo one. Detecting issues early gives you more time to act, so regular screenings are crucial for everyone. The test allows you to take control of your cognitive well-being and promote a healthier mind.

Key Points to Remember About Memory Screenings:

  • Memory screenings are important for everyone, regardless of current memory concerns.
  • Early detection empowers individuals to take control of their brain health.
  • The National Memory Screening Program offers free and accessible screenings.
  • Don’t wait — schedule your screening today and give your brain a head start in 2024.

Convenient and Accessible: The National Memory Screening Program.

The AFA’s National Memory Screening Program makes it easy to take action. Free, confidential telehealth screenings are available through video calls on your smartphone, tablet, or computer. No age restrictions, insurance requirements, or language barriers exist — screenings are offered in English and Spanish.

Take the First Step: Schedule a Memory Screening Today!

Ready to prioritize your brain health? Contact the AFA at 866–232–8484 or visit their website to schedule your free memory screening. Remember, a simple test opens up possibilities for maintaining your cognitive function and well-being throughout the new year and beyond.

Closing Thoughts: Make Your Brain Health a Priority

You might think memory decline is only about forgetting where you parked your car. But memory screenings, offered by organizations like the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America (AFA), go beyond everyday lapses. They’re a simple way to assess your brain function and detect potential problems early.

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Kate Byrd, PharmD
Health Publication

I’m a Pharmacist turned Freelance Writer! Health and Wellness Articles. Hoping to help us all improve our physical and mental health.