Write for Us on Health Publication

Sharing Insights on Body and Mind Wellness

Health Publication


Health Publication

As contributors to the Health Publication, we share a collective commitment to fostering a community dedicated to enhancing both physical and mental well-being. Our platform serves as a conduit for authors passionate about health, inviting them to share their insights, experiences, and expertise to enlighten and empower our readers.

Embracing Diverse Perspectives

Our publication values diverse perspectives and welcomes contributions from health enthusiasts, professionals, researchers, and individuals with lived experiences. Whether you’re delving into the realms of nutrition, fitness, mental health, holistic wellness, or any other aspect of well-being, your voice is valued here. We encourage authors to bring forth unique viewpoints, research findings, personal anecdotes, and practical advice to enrich our readers’ understanding.

Inspiring a Health-Conscious Community

The Health Publication aims to inspire a culture of mindfulness and proactive health management. Articles that offer actionable tips, evidence-based guidance, or thought-provoking insights are the cornerstone of our platform. By presenting well-researched information and fostering discussions, our contributors play a pivotal role in empowering individuals to make informed choices about their health.

What We Look For

  • Informative Content: Articles should offer valuable information, backed by credible sources and, when applicable, personal experiences or case studies.
  • Engaging Writing Style: We encourage authors to captivate readers with clear, concise, and engaging prose that resonates with our diverse audience.
  • Practical Advice: Share actionable tips, strategies, or tools that readers can incorporate into their daily lives to improve their health and well-being.
  • Innovative Ideas: Exploration of emerging trends, groundbreaking research, or unconventional approaches to health and wellness are highly encouraged.

How to Contribute

If you’re passionate about health and have valuable insights to share, we invite you to contribute to our Health Publication. Here’s how you can get started:

  1. Leave us a comment here in this article with, for example “ Add me as an Author
  2. I will add you as an author in our Health Publication
  3. You send us already published articles or as a draft
  4. Your article will be reviewed and approved

Our Partner Publications

Evolution Publication

Medium Publication about Self Improvement, Health, Mental Health, Financial and Fitness

Evolution — Medium

Medium Publication about Financial Freedom, how to make money, financial advises

Financial Freedom — Medium



Health Publication

Develop yourself further | Self Improvement, Healthy Lifestyle, Mental Health and Financial Advises. Evolution Publication https://medium.com/evolve-yourself