Image Copyright— Ritika Murarka ( For this image and all others in story below)

Yoga — Working on your Mind, Body and Soul ❤

Ritika Murarka
Health Publication
Published in
3 min readJan 21, 2024


I have always loved Yoga. I started doing it since almost 2014 and me and Yoga have an exceptional love affair.

But we silently parted ways a year back. I kept forcing my way back to it in the form of Surya Namaskar but it wasn’t doing the trick to be very honest. And I also did Yoga for physical fitness, but when I started the journey of keeping 10k steps as a north star for physical fitness, it somehow lost the sheen due to sheer lack of energy post that. I have to try to fancier cousin regularly a.k.a. Pilates, so more on that later.

A journey to the wellness retreat at Viveda in Trimbak region at Nashik, brought me back to Yoga in the rawest form as it was all about stretching and developing lean muscles. I felt the stretches when doing the Yoga asanas and there was a longing to start with Yoga again.

Currently, I have been taking the help of Youtube videos of Yoga with Adrienne which I tried earlier as well to just feel better holistically and will be combining these with Pilates sessions (mat based) for improving the posture and just remaining fit, like cleansing the internal organs while keeping the rigor of the walking intact.

This regimen is not for replacing the walking which is a great cardio workout or elliptical — one of my most favorite equipment at the gym for cardio. It will be in order to enhance the routine and go back to the flexibility level as before. Also, yoga works on your internal organs, and as flexibility of your body increases, flexibility in your thoughts increase.

It works on a holistic level. It works on levels that maybe we cannot even comprehend. Once you start doing Yoga, you start conducting your life in a different way, you improve your life drastically as:

  1. You are working on your spine constantly and a healthy spine is a healthy body
  2. You will start to crave healthy foods and your body will automatically stop needing the unhealthy meals or snack items
  3. Your thoughts will be filled with gratitude and there will be a certain flexibility and accommodating stance with which you will start to operate your life.

Parivartan toh Yoga se ho hoga :D ( It means ‘ Change is possible with Yoga’ in hindi )

Give it a try and I will share my journey and experience with Pilates and in which ways it has helped improved my life.

Love and Light,

Ritika ❤



Ritika Murarka
Health Publication

Blog Bday- 16th November, 2023. I want to write about things that move me & I enjoy along with self development, travel & healthy lifestyle. Follow/ Subscribe❤️