Sick of feeling like a Greasy Machine? 9 hacks to fuel your amazing self.

Rashi Jain
Health and  Science
Published in
8 min readSep 30, 2021

That was a turning point for me. I had to re-evaluate my choices.

Imagine your body as a high-performance sports car. You wouldn’t fuel it with greasy fast food and sugary drinks, would you?

It craves premium fuel — a balanced diet packed with nutrients — to run smoothly and achieve your goals. How amazing it would be to trek even when you’re 80!

This hit me hard when I saw one of my friends on his 30th birthday.

Here was a guy, seemingly healthy on the outside but battling a silent war within — backaches, fatigue, diabetes… all stemming from a diet fueled by convenience, not well-being.

love your body not your weight

You know that feeling when you see someone you care about, and it hits you — they haven’t taken the best care of themselves?

That was me at my friend’s 30th birthday bash. Here we were, surrounded by cake and good times, but a part of me couldn’t help but notice how much his health had changed.

Look, I get it. We all love delicious food, but sometimes figuring out what’s good for us feels like a crazy balancing act! That’s why I’m on this journey with you.

In this story, I will take you through easy habits, helpful reminders, and tons of motivation to fuel your journey to a kickass, healthy you. Let’s do this!

Ditch the all-or-nothing mentality!

Think of healthy eating as a delicious adventure, a chance to explore a vibrant world of colourful fruits and vegetables, protein-packed powerhouses, and energizing whole grains.

I want to keep it simple: the key is to nourish your body with a variety of nutrients—protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals—all working together like a symphony to keep you feeling your best.

“Healthy eating is a way of life, so it’s important to establish routines that are simple, realistically, and ultimately livable.” — Horace

You can eat what you love and still be healthy and fit. Four important things to focus on when you eat anything:

  • What are you eating?
  • The timings (when are you eating?),
  • The quantity (how much you’re eating),
  • And the quality (look for the ingredients on the labels).

After all, ‘A journey of thousand miles begins with a single step.’

What Are Some Healthy Food Habits?

Healthy eating should be delicious, sustainable, and something you can stick with. The good news? You don’t have to become a kale-chomping health nut overnight.

I have shortlisted some practical and essential food habits for a healthy lifestyle.

A seasonal & colourful bowl

We’re talking vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants — all the good stuff your body needs to thrive.

The World Health Organization recommends at least 400 grams (or about five servings) daily. That might seem like a lot, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming.

  • Stock up on what’s in season for the best flavour and value.
  • They’re a refreshing way to kickstart your metabolism.
  • Think of chopped veggies in your salad for lunch or roasted veggies for dinner.
  • You’ll find the freshest produce at a local farmer’s market and get to know where your food comes from.

Friendship with Salt Ends Here

Do you know that around 1.65 million deaths in India are because of heart diseases caused by more than 5g of salt intake per day?

High sodium adds to high blood pressure and eventually leads to a higher risk of a heart attack.

Some ways to control your salt intake-

  • Stop using excessive salt while preparing the curries and dishes.
  • Avoid sprinkling extra salt on fruits, veggies and other food dishes.
  • Try not to keep the salt bottle on the dining table.
  • Pick products with low sodium content.
  • Avoid consuming processed food with high sodium content.
  • Be wise when eating out, and always check or ask for the amount of sodium in your food.
  • If possible, reduce your consumption of papads, pickles and chutneys native to India.
  • Use herbs and spices instead to add flavour like paprika, turmeric, black pepper, garlic or onion powder.

Note: WHO recommends a maximum of 5 grams of sodium per day.

Think fresh & balance the diet game

But let’s face it, sometimes that greasy pizza or that perfectly crinkled bag of chips practically calls your name. We’ve all been there! The key is to find balance.

Processed foods are often loaded with unhealthy fats, sugar, and preservatives. Think fresh, whole foods whenever possible.

Here’s a bonus tip: If you indulge, choose a “healthier” version of your craving. For example, opt for air-popped popcorn instead of greasy chips or a dark chocolate bar instead of a sugary candy bar.

You need Protein power

Protein is the building block of your body. Include protein sources like lentils, pulses, lean meats, or tofu in your meals to feel strong and energized.

For a minimum daily requirement, an average Indian should consume a minimum of 0.8- 1 gm of protein daily.

Water is your body’s best friend

Many health experts recommend drinking at least 2.5 litres of water per day for women and 3.5 litres per day for men.

If you do not have enough water, it will lead to dehydration, resulting in dizziness, dullness, and skin acne.

Nothing is worth the pleasure if it can take your life

Quitting smoking is one of the best investments you can make in your well-being. Whether you replace your tobacco with electric smoke, hookah, or cigar, there isn’t any way you can escape the long-term health problems that it brings along.

I know quitting smoking can feel like climbing Mount Everest, but take this as a nudge from the universe that you’re strong enough to reach the summit.

Give yourself a break and think about all the damage it has been doing to you.

Homemade is Happiness

Cooking at home allows you to control ingredients and portion sizes. Plus, it’s a fun way to explore new flavours and cuisines!

‘Ghar ka khana’’ is the best as it encourages spending quality time with family and kids. Moreover, home cooking is a great way to distract yourself from a hectic work life. Many even consider cooking as therapeutic.

As per various studies, people who eat more at home naturally avoid processed food, extra sugar, and unhealthy ingredients. This leads to a happier life with better mental health.

Don’t just Swallow, Chew your Food

Do not just swallow your food; chew it a minimum of 32 times for easily chewable items.

Proper chewing helps food break down, resulting in better digestion, nutrient absorption, and controlled food consumption.

Set up a Routine

For example, you can have a morning buffet with fruits, juices, cereals, milk, poha, sandwiches, etc.

But, your dinners must be easy on the stomach. You can have a salad bowl with fresh vegetables (roasted, boiled, etc.), nuts, and some zesty salad dressing.

Never skip breakfast. Always finish your dinner before you have a good night’s sleep.

Early dinners around 6:00 p.m.–7:00 pm help the body for smooth digestion. Setting up regular meal times will help your body better manage the digestive system.

Some easy Swaps for everyday Food Habits

“Your diet is a bank account. Good food choices are good investments.” — Bethenny Frankel

Minor changes in food habits can go a long way. Healthy swaps will help you reduce unhealthy and unnecessary calorie intake and make your food more nutritious.

Look at some of the healthy food alternatives-

  • Replace your soft drinks/ synthetic drinks with lassi, buttermilk, fresh fruit juices and coconut water.
  • Replace ice cream with frozen yoghurt
  • Replace potato fries with sweet potato wedges
  • A great healthy alternative to sugar can be coconut sugar, dates sugar, jaggery and stevia.
  • Go for dark chocolates over milk chocolates.
  • Ditch sweets and enjoy dried fruits. If you have a sweet tooth, you can even consume naturally sweet fruits like berries.
  • Try oatmeal, chia pudding, and granola instead of sweet cereals with sugary syrups and dips.
  • Avoid white bread and choose whole grain, sprouted, flax or oatmeal bread.
  • Say No to outside food and start incorporating healthy homemade meals into your diet.
  • Try infused water to enjoy flavours instead of soda and unhygienic local drinks.

What are you waiting for?

Healthy eating is not about rigorous dieting, skipping a meal, or looking thin; instead, it’s about eating what you love and enjoying your meals.

A balanced diet combines various foods in suitable types, proportions, and moderation.

Love yourself enough to know what’s right for you.

As Beatrice Marello said, “You don’t have to cook fancy or complicated meals to eat well. Just use fresh, high-quality ingredients, prepare them simply, and let the flavours shine.”

Healthy eating is a lifelong journey, not a destination.

Celebrate your progress, no matter how small, and enjoy the delicious and nutritious rewards of nourishing your body.

Now, go forth and conquer your day with the vibrant energy of a well-fueled machine!

A simple way to start is just START!

Let’s build a community of healthy foodies who support each other on this delicious journey. And hey, if you found this helpful, don’t forget to like and share this post to spread the healthy eating love!

Hi, I’m Rashi. I write about my experiences and the things I learned along the way. You will find pieces about relationships, travel, and mindful living in my Medium journal. Maybe you’ll find something that helps you on your own journey, or perhaps it’ll just spark a conversation. Either way, I’d love to hear from you!

P.S. If you liked this post, don’t forget to hit the follow button at wordwiredbyrashi! You can also follow me on Instagram. Until next time, stay curious, stay kind, and stay awesome! 🕊️✨



Rashi Jain
Health and  Science

I'm here to share the good, the bad and the hilarious!