A Doctor’s Journey with Ozempic: The Surprising Effects and Lessons Learned

As a seasoned general practitioner with a deep interest in health and wellness, my curiosity often leads me to explore new treatments and lifestyle changes.

Dr. med. Titus Maniera
Health and  Science
4 min readJan 3, 2024


My recent experience with Ozempic, a GLP-1 agonist known for its efficacy in weight management, offered me an unexpected journey of discovery.

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Understanding Ozempic’s Mechanism

Before diving into my personal experience, let’s unravel how Ozempic (semaglutide) works. Primarily used to improve blood sugar control in adults with type 2 diabetes, Ozempic belongs to a class of drugs that mimic the effects of GLP-1, a hormone involved in regulating blood sugar levels. It aids in increasing insulin secretion, reducing glucagon release, and slowing gastric emptying. This trifold approach not only lowers blood sugar levels but also aids in weight loss by altering appetite and food processing in the body.

My Personal Experiment with Ozempic

With enthusiasm, I began my trial with a 1 mg weekly dose of Ozempic. However, I quickly learned that such eagerness must be tempered; the body needs time to adjust to this medication. Initially, I experienced mild nausea, a common side effect. But what truly astounded me was my changing relationship with food. Meals I once finished with ease now seemed dauntingly large, leading to a surprising and involuntary reduction in my food intake.

Transforming Eating Habits

Ozempic’s impact extended beyond mere physical changes; it inadvertently became a tool for reshaping my eating habits. While the medication’s effects diminish upon cessation, the new patterns of eating less persisted — a testament to its potential in habit modification.

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Navigating the Crossroads: My Pause with Ozempic

A question naturally arises: Why did I choose to pause my Ozempic journey despite its remarkable benefits? The heart of the matter lies in the delicate interplay between my medication and lifestyle choices. As someone passionately devoted to sports and a practitioner of intermittent fasting, I encountered an unexpected hurdle. Ozempic’s influence on gluconeogenesis — a critical process for energy production during prolonged exercise — left me feeling unusually fatigued, particularly during my rigorous high-intensity workouts.

This experience illuminated a crucial aspect of healthcare: the nuanced balance between therapeutic benefits and personal lifestyle needs. The intersection where medical treatment and individual lifestyle converge is often intricate and deeply personal. For me, the decision to pause Ozempic was not a conclusion but a strategic intermission, allowing me to reassess and adapt.

A Future Revisit: A Strategy for Reintroduction

However, this pause is not an end to my Ozempic story. Given its undeniable advantages, I remain open to revisiting this medication, albeit with a more tailored approach. Starting with a lower dose and incrementally adjusting it allows me to gauge my body’s response more precisely, aligning the treatment with my body’s needs and my lifestyle demands. This incremental strategy is not just a medical decision; it’s a commitment to harmonizing my health regimen with my personal life, ensuring that I can enjoy the benefits of Ozempic without compromising my passion for sports and fasting practices.

Conclusion: A Doctor’s Perspective

My journey with Ozempic was illuminating, not just in understanding its physiological impacts but in experiencing its practical implications firsthand. As I continue to explore the intersections of medication, lifestyle, and wellness, I am reminded of the importance of personalizing health care and the continuous learning it demands.

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Essential Consideration: Ozempic (semaglutide) is a prescription medication, necessitating careful medical oversight for its use. It’s important to note that this article is based on my individual experience and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice. Medications like Ozempic have specific indications, dosing guidelines, and potential side effects that vary from person to person. Therefore, it’s imperative to consult a healthcare professional to determine if Ozempic is appropriate for your health needs and to receive guidance on its use.

Educational Resources: For those interested in learning more about Ozempic and its active ingredient, semaglutide, I recommend consulting reputable medical sources. These sources offer detailed information on the drug’s mechanisms, usage guidelines, potential side effects, and more. A comprehensive resource such as Drugs.com provides an extensive overview and can be an excellent starting point for your research. However, remember that online information should complement, not replace, professional medical advice.

Links for Further Reading:



Dr. med. Titus Maniera
Health and  Science

Med doctor turned Life Explorer. Passionate about sports, yoga, and science, focusing on the intersection of health and joy. Welcome to my written journey.