Alcohol Is Poison For Your Spiritual Development

Why Alcohol Blocks Your Spiritual Growth

Alina Pitt
Health and  Science


Drunk Party Guests, created by author with

*Non-members can read the full story here.

Alcohol is widely accepted in Western culture, and it has the power to give us the imagination and illusion of feeling and being better, but it does the opposite.

Alcohol lowers our vibration, makes us more vulnerable, and disconnects us from our true spiritual self. Because of this, many of us feel lost and confused our entire lifetime.

By the way, if you don’t feel like reading, here’s the podcast episode about alcohol for you. Check it out!

Alcohol numbs some emotions but feeds negative and toxic emotions that cause us pain in many ways. We can become much angrier, more jealous, or even uncontrollably horny (in some cases). But what human beings really need to move forward is higher vibrations. Emotions that help raise vibrations include authenticity, love, and gratitude. Alcohol doesn’t make you more grateful or kind. In fact, some people become very violent and aggressive.

Some people drink until they blackout. This is the moment when the demonic spirit within these alcoholic beverages takes over, followed by waking up the next morning with a huge headache, possibly purging the alcohol by throwing up, and then, of course…



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