Part 1: Boost your biology — Essentials Supplements / Tips

Testosterone, vital, vigour, blood flow and cognition.

Health and  Science
5 min readMay 1, 2024


NOTE: Supplements needs to be cycled, on and off, meaning, do not consume it more than 3–4 months, the recommended duration is around 1–2 months or less, and then go off for 1–2 months or 1–2 weeks, post that, it can be resumed. Blood work is also mandatory before supplementing.

Boost your biology.

Part 1:

Enhancing cognitive and physical ability has always been a part for humans since time immemorial in ayurveda and allopathy.

Different herbs, supplements have worked wonders and have been part of the clinical studies and showed that one can get ahead in the health game.

Note: A balanced diet consisting of protein, carbs and healthy fats are prime to achieve a balanced life, energy and vigour. These herbs/ supplements which I’m mentioning below will definitely provide an aid to enhance one’s potential, if they want to traverse this path of supplementation considering the diet and sleep is taken care of.

Definitely, consulting a doctor after the blood work is MUST.

This guide will provide and touch all the required/necessary supplements which can be consumed, if an individual is really looking to enhance their current state.

To achieve a solid mind and body, the following changes are required:

  1. A proper sleep: Quality sleep 7–8 hours, gone are those days and myths where less sleep is important. Quality sleep supports the production of testosterones for men.
  2. Quality fats: Read the ingredient list in every item you purchase, stay away from SATURATED AND TRANS FAT, monunsatured and Polyunsatured fats are the go to. Ex: Extra virgin olive oil, Almonds, walnuts
  3. Avoid Processed or Extra Processed foods.
  4. Avoiding drinking water from plastic bottle, applying scents directly on skin.

Before getting into any supplemental regime, make sure to get the blood work done including the hormones:

Herbs/Supplements — in Addition to consuming a proper diet.

I’m mentioning the safe supplements/herbs and their benefits, usages which one can opt for, which have been personally tried and tested by me considering the amount of physical workout I'm in, including strength training and boxing.

  1. Zinc Citrate: Supports immune system, works great with indulgence of magnesium supplements, helps the metabolism, good for maintaining optimal testosterone levels, promoting erectile function.
  2. Magnesium Glycinate: Form of magnesium, helps is really QUALITY SLEEP, LOWERS CORTISOL( stress hormones) , support muscle and bone health, help fight fatigue, and improve strength. This work in synergy with zinc supplements.
  3. Magnesium Citrate: Another form of magnesium, easier absorbed than the Glynicante form, for some individual, magnesium glycinate did lower their libido but in some cases, Magnesium citrate helps them to recover and this is definitely good for libido as well, blood vessel dilation.
  4. Vitamin D3: Fat soluble form of Vitamin, this works in synergy with Calcium supplements, helps to increase the absorption rate of Calcium and Phosphorus. Thus this is generally taken with, D3 + Calcium, as D3 will increase the amount of calcium absorption.
  5. Vitamin K2, mk-7: Form of Vitamin K, with MK-7 version, this usually helps to remove the calcium from the blood, which is known as calcification where the blood levels have excess levels of calcium, this supplements helps to draw the calcium from the blood and put it where it is required, that is, BONES!
  6. Calcium: Good for bones. Enough literature already, 1000mg is the recommended dosage every day, either from diet or supplement, better to combine with Vitamin D3 for more absorption.
  7. Horny Goat Weed: The active ingredient in this herb is, icariin, an extract of the Epimedium plant, it’s a miracle Chinese herb which was discovered accidentally when goat herders noticed the goats got more hornier when eating this plant and were indulging in intercourse often, this herb have been used for low libido, erectile dysfunction, fatigue, and it also increases the blood flow as well. It acts aa PDE5 inhibitor which causes the blood vessel to dilate.
  8. Tribulus AKA Gokshura, Protodioscin, an steroidal saponin which is the active compound in Tribulus, has been proven to improve sexual desire via the conversion of protodioscine to DHEA, It also helps in increasing the libido and provides strength for gym goers, though, it is not directly related to increase the testosterone levels also the flavonoids which are contained in the root and the fruit of the plant, appears to be largely responsible for its antioxidant properties. Also contains aphrodisiac properties, may increase DHT (in some cases).

Powerful if use the correct extract and form, which helps in increasing LH (Luteinizing hormone) which signals the testes to increase and produce more testosterone.

End result: Higher sex drive, libido and more muscle mass, less fat.

Most products in the market do not have a quality extract. Thus, some clinical studies shows that Tribulus is either very effective or it does absolutely nothing.

The Protodioscin concentration is important when it comes to the quality, good quality protodioscin extracts usually comes from Turkey and best for Bulgaria. India, China and Vietnam — have lower and doesn’t contain good quality of Protodioscin .

Most potent form which is suppose to clinically proven is: Bulgarian Pro-Tribulus Extract (90% Sapongenins + 40% Protodioscin)

Works well when combined with:

Fenugreek, Tongkat Ali, Maca extract, Avena Sativa for optimal Testosterone levels.

DIM and Selenoum to reduce female hormone, Estrogen.

Can be combined with Ashwagandha, VIT C to reduce stress hormone, Cortisol.

Vitex Angus to reduce female hormone, Prolacatin.

Zinc to reduce hair loss and prostrate cancer hormone, DHT.

9. Ashwangahda aka Ginseng: Types are Korean/panax Ginseng (most potent), American and Asian (Indian) ginseng, reduces stress (cortisol) hormones, lower blood sugar and bad cholesterol (LDL), could reduce oxidative stress, which could lead to enhancement in cognitive function.

10. L Citruline — Which is often found in watermelons, consuming 1–1.5 watermelons will hardly give 2–3 grams of citruline which is really less for an individual, best is to supplement it, helps in dilating the blood vessels which in-turn helps in good pumps in the workout sessions. Pretty safe supplement. Another form is: Citruline Malate with Malic acid. Helps in increasing the NO (nitric oxide) levels, Arginine’s (one of the amino acid) by-product is Citruline. Studies have showed combining L-Arginine, L Citruline and Pine Bark extract (with 97% Proanthocyanidins) helps in good blood circulations and in erectile dysfunction .

11. Icing the testicles- Daily for about 12–15 mins, 2–3 times a day, helps in rapid blood circulation and definitely helps in firm erections, might increase T-level but less clinical studies are present.

12. Gingko Biloba: (Plant): helps in cognition, memory, ADHD, anxiety, can reduce inflammation, rich in antioxidants, frequently used to treat neurological, cardiovascular, and respiratory diseases as well.

13. Vitamin E: it is actually a group of eight fat-soluble compounds with powerful antioxidant effects, known for its antioxidant effects, protecting the cells from oxidative damage by neutralising harmful molecules called free radicals, also helps in healthy skin and eyes.

14. Vitamin C: aka L-ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin, antioxidant, found in abundance in fresh oranges, helps in anaemia (low levels of RBCs), because your body doesn’t produce vitamin C, one needs to get it from the diet.

15. Vitamin B: B vitamins are a group of eight essential nutrients that play roles in many organs and bodily systems. They help with various functions, including creating energy from food, producing blood cells, and maintaining a healthy skin.

Part 2:



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