Dancing with the Whispers: An Uplifting Approach to Living with Tinnitus

Dr. med. Titus Maniera
Health and  Science
Published in
3 min readJun 2, 2023

In the summer of my 60th year, a soft whisper started to make its presence known in the quiet corners of my ears. I had just retired from a flourishing 25-year-long career in general practice in Germany and was savoring the newfound freedom, experimenting with yoga, and exploring the mysteries of South American cultures. However, the uninvited guest, Tinnitus, decided to join me on my voyage.

The sound was like the singing of a thousand crickets, a constant “sssss” lingering in the background of my day. Being a doctor, I knew what I was dealing with. Tinnitus, the phantom noise that prances around your ear without a physical sound source.

At first, I resisted, hoping it would leave as abruptly as it arrived. But when it persisted, I decided to view it not as a menacing intruder but as a companion. This change of perspective, my friends, is a little trick borrowed from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Instead of battling the sound, I decided to dance with it.

Pexels: Photo by Anna Shvets

Like a curious yogi, I named my new companion ‘Kundalini Crickets’ as a tribute to my recent certification as a Kundalini Yoga teacher in Rishikesh. I started to find humor in my situation, thinking about these crickets having a rock concert in my ears.

The trick here isn’t to completely ignore the sound but to alter the narrative around it. Whenever the cricket orchestra would crescendo, I’d imagine them cheering me on as I engaged in my favorite sports or yoga. Instead of a tormenting noise, they became a source of amusement, something to laugh about rather than fear. By changing the narrative, the distress caused by tinnitus reduced significantly, leaving me more at peace.

Photo Credit: World Peace Yoga School, Rishikesh, India

Adopting a healthier lifestyle also became part of the dance. I began to regard my body as a sacred temple, worthy of reverence and care. This newfound respect translated into transformative changes in my lifestyle, particularly in my eating habits. I introduced periods of fasting into my routine, which not only became an integral part of my yoga experience but also served as a powerful tool for physical and mental purification. This dietary shift, along with regular physical activity, proved instrumental in keeping potential health hazards like arterial hypertension and hyperlipidemia at bay.

I learned the power of silence and started my meditation journey to reduce stress, enhancing my dance with my “Kundalini Crickets.”

Photo by Midjourney

This isn’t just my personal anecdote; science has its ways of validating such experiences. The principle is simple: perception shapes our reality. Research in neuromodulation is increasingly substantiating this theory, showing that altering our neural response to tinnitus can reduce its impact.

Dancing with the whispers in my ear, the ‘Kundalini Crickets’, has not only made me more resilient but also given me a unique perspective on life. Every challenge, like tinnitus, is but a dance. The trick is to change the music from a cacophony of noises to a symphony of experiences.

Pexels: Photo by cottonbro studio

Remember, my friends, it’s not the whispers in your ear but your response to them that shapes your dance. Dance well, and remember to enjoy it!



Dr. med. Titus Maniera
Health and  Science

Med doctor turned Life Explorer. Passionate about sports, yoga, and science, focusing on the intersection of health and joy. Welcome to my written journey.