Discovering Biohacking: My Personal Quest for Enhanced Wellbeing

Part 1: The Muse Headband

Dr. med. Titus Maniera
Health and  Science
3 min readAug 14, 2023


In a serene corner of Germany, I’ve spent significant years healing souls, patching up bodies, and delving deep into the human psyche. Twenty-five years as a general practitioner has enriched me with knowledge, but the allure of uncharted territories beckoned, driving me beyond the bounds of traditional medicine.

Today, my pursuit of knowledge thrusts me onto the frontier of biohacking — a mesmerizing crossroad where cutting-edge technology communes with ancient wisdom. Join me, dear reader, on this stimulating journey of discovery, as we unveil the marvels of the Muse headband.

Author pictured with the Muse S (2nd generation).

Meditation: An Ancient Art with a Modern Twist

Throughout my life, I’ve donned numerous hats — doctor, sports enthusiast, yoga aficionado, and, in this chapter, a biohacker. Amidst these evolving roles, one constant has endured — meditation. For over six years, the Muse headband has been my ally, refining and enhancing this timeless practice.

The Muse made its debut in 2014 — a fact that astonishes even today. After years with my faithful original, I’ve transitioned to the more advanced Muse S (Gen 2). And the reasons for this switch are manifold.

Unlocking the Muse Magic: A Glimpse

  • Brainwave Tracking: Imagine a device that quite literally taps into the recesses of your mind!
  • Biofeedback: Whenever my thoughts scatter, venturing into worldly chaos, the Muse reels me back with subtle auditory cues — a stormy ambiance for a restless mind and a serene soundscape for moments of calm.
  • Mobile Mastery: Have you ever desired a meticulous record of your mental odysseys? The Muse’s smartphone app accomplishes precisely that!
  • Holistic Health Tracking: The Muse’s prowess isn’t confined to the mind. It delves deeper, assessing heart rate, body movement, and even breathing patterns.
  • Learning Curve: Muse is more than a gadget; it’s a meditation guide. Whether you’re a novice or an adept, it offers valuable insights, simplifying the labyrinthine journey of meditation.

In essence, Muse acts as a bridge, turning the abstract terrains of our minds into discernible insights.

Image by author: Screenshot of a Muse App meditation session.

The Muse Experience: Through My Eyes

At its core, Muse promises a deeper understanding of oneself. Sometimes, it’s a subtle prompt to stay anchored during meditation, providing auditory feedback that aligns with the intensity of my focus. Remarkably, this sonic measure of brainwave harmony often mirrors my introspective state post-meditation. It intrigues me how, on certain evenings, an intense meditative immersion remains elusive.

While enthusiasts may delve into the granular details of brainwaves using third-party apps like ‘Mind Monitor’, I believe Muse’s essence lies in its immediate feedback. It serves as a beacon, guiding me through the mist of distractions.

Reflecting on my transition from an energetic medical practice in Germany to this novel realm of biohacking, I perceive a harmonious blend of science, spirit, and a dash of technological marvel. In the rapidly advancing domain of health and wellbeing, instruments like Muse are pioneering an era steeped in heightened self-awareness.

But this is merely the overture. I eagerly invite you to accompany me on this exhilarating journey, where we’ll delve deeper into the treasure trove of biohacking. After all, isn’t our collective pursuit of self-enhancement the grandest adventure of all?



Dr. med. Titus Maniera
Health and  Science

Med doctor turned Life Explorer. Passionate about sports, yoga, and science, focusing on the intersection of health and joy. Welcome to my written journey.