Nutrition & Health

Do Mediterranean Countries Follow the Mediterranean Diet?

On closer examination, these countries eat lots of meat, which contradicts their advertised diet in the health landscape. I offer perspectives from my research and experience of this popular diet.

David Mokotoff, MD
Health and  Science
Published in
7 min readMay 6, 2024


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I’m very interested in food and recognize its significant impact on our health. With over 30 years of experience as a cardiologist, I habitually evaluate diets based on their effects on heart health. My diet is closest to the Mediterranean diet, so I wanted to give you some perspectives. This popular diet might mean different things to different people. Even the nutrition literature is confusing, and there is no consensus.

An Overview of the Mediterranean Diet

Food pyramids are triangular diagrams showing how often food groups should be eaten. The bottom of the pyramid, the broadest, represents the most frequent food recommended, while the tiny top is the least frequent. The bottom tier of the typical Mediterranean diet contains fruits, vegetables, healthy oils and fats, whole grains, and legumes.



David Mokotoff, MD
Health and  Science

David Mokotoff is a top and boosted writer. He is a retired MD, passionate about health, medicine, gardening, and food,