Heat Exhaustion — Everything You Need to Know About It.

In this story, I have explained in detail what heat exhaustion is, its causes, symptoms, and treatment.

Muhammad Saad
Health and  Science
2 min readJul 6, 2024


Photo by Moon on Unsplash

Heat Exhaustion:

It is a condition in which the normal body temperature rises above the normal levels in the hot environment.

It is an illness which is related to the heat and caused in the hot temperature environments when a body is exposed to it for longer times.

It is less dangerous than the heat stroke but still it gives negative and damaging results if not treated for longer times.


Heat exhaustion is typically caused when a body is exposed to high temp for a prolonged period.


  • Dizziness: Due to the loss of water (dehydration) from the body, it affects the blood circulation as 90% of blood plasma is water, so dizziness is caused.
  • Sweating : It is a method of the body to perform homeostasis. In this way the body tries to cool down its temperature.
  • Weakness : Dehydration leads to the reduction of the volume of blood, as the blood is the carrier of oxygen and also performs the duty of delivering nutrients to the muscles. Its reduction causes weakness and fatigue.
  • Cool pale skin color : When body temp increases, it initiates a response of cooling down known as peripheral vasoconstriction. In this response the vessels near the skin surface contracts and the blood flow gets reduced. Hence it causes the feelings of coolness and the color of skin appears yellow.
  • Muscle cramps : Excessive sweating in hot environement causes the loss of electrolytes from the body. Such electrolytes includes Sodium (Na), potasium (K), and magnesium (Mg) which are important for the normal functioning of muscle and transminssion of nerve impulses. Hence, their imbalance can lead to muscle cramps.

Treatment :

It’s treatment includes moving towards the shady places and taking rest under the shelter. Rehydration is also necessary for the proper functioning and responses of body. Excessive clothing should be removed and one should try to reduce the temperature to the normal levels. In the summer season we should try to put wet towel on our head before going outside. We should keep a bottle of water with ourself to keep ourself hydrated.

It is the summer season, so I will try to post about all the illnesses that can be caused during this period. You can benefit from these stories by following whatever is said.



Muhammad Saad
Health and  Science

I don't know how to enclose 19 chapters of my life into a short bio, but I do know that I love to write, and I hope so, you love to read.