How to Create a Healthy Morning Routine for a Productive Day

Roxana Shakib
Health and  Science
Published in
3 min readJul 12, 2024
Photo by Melike Benli from Pexels

Establishing a healthy morning routine is the perfect way to set the tone for a productive day. When we set ourselves up for success when the day starts we know that we will perform better throughout the day. There are many different ways to create a morning routine, but here are some tips on starting your morning on the right foot.

  1. Wake up early. Waking up earlier in the day will give you a head start for having a more productive day ahead. Aim to wake up an hour earlier than normal so you can have more time in the day to get tasks done. For me, when I can have time to myself in the morning, when it's quiet I know that I can perform better throughout the day.
  2. Hydrate first thing. Hydration is key, our body is dehydrated, especially after sleeping many hours so it's important to hydrate first thing in the morning. I always keep a water bottle by my bed so it's easier for me to hydrate. If you are feeling fancy, you can also add some lemon to your water for some added vitamin C and detox benefits.
  3. Practice mindfulness or meditation. Before the hectic day begins it's important to take some time to ground down. Meditation doesn't have to be a long dreaded routine. Taking 3 deep breaths in the morning is meditation. As long as we can center ourselves and take some time to clear our minds we allow ourselves to be more relaxed and calm before the stress of the day begins. You can also use guided meditation apps, such as Headspace and Calm which are great for short meditation sessions.
  4. Exercise. Movement is key for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. You can make working out fun for you. Whether this is a quick run, yoga, pilates, or strength training aim to do at least 20–30 minutes of movement every day. Moving your body in the morning not only boosts your energy but helps improve mental clarity.
  5. Healthy breakfast. Starting your day with a nutritious breakfast fuels your body and your mind. Try to start your morning with a balanced plate of protein, healthy fats, and fiber. This can be a bowl of oatmeal with fruits and nuts, avocado toast with eggs, a protein smoothie with greens, protein powder, and fruit.
  6. Plan your day. Take a few minutes in the morning to write a to-do list, set priorities, and outline your goals. This helps you stay organized and focused throughout the day so you can manage your time wisely and complete your tasks.
  7. Personal development. Dedicate some time to personal growth by taking some time to read a book, listen to a podcast, journaling. These are great ways to stay motivated and reach your goals. It is also a great way to stay educated and set goals for yourself not only physical goals but also education goals.
  8. Skincare routine. Don't forget about your skin. Taking time in the morning to have a simple skincare routine can help you look refreshed and even set the mood that you are ready to start the day by feeling clean and fresh. Cleanse, tone, moisturize, and apply SPF to protect against UV rays.
  9. Posotive affirmation. Start your day with positivity. Maybe while you're doing your skincare routine you can say some positive affirmations out loud in the mirror. This practice can boost your self-confidence and set a positive mood for the rest of the day. Examples include, “I am capable.” “I am strong.” “I am productive and focused.” “Today will be an amazing day.” “I will invent in myself because I am worth it.”

There you have it. Creating a healthy morning routine does not need to be complicated, simple steps and habits like these are easy to include in your morning. By incorporating these habits you improve your physical health, and mental health, and set a positive tone for the upcoming day. You don’t have to overwhelm yourself by getting all of this done every morning because we are all human, start small and slowly build on!



Roxana Shakib
Health and  Science

hi! I'm roxana. I love writing and I'm passionate about healthy living, wellness, and improving myself!