Nail Biting Doodling Procrastinating Science Hacks Your Weird Habits

Why we do what we do unveiling the psychology and neuroscience of everyday habits

Arpana Gupta
Health and  Science
3 min readJul 1, 2024


Photo by taopaodao on Unsplash

At any point contemplated why you do chomp nails when apprehensive, hesitate on significant stuff, and doodle during gatherings with practically no specific explanation? Indeed, those things that many consider as straightforward or for the most part innocuous activities are rich in mental, and neuro-logical and conduct logical eloquent clarification. Understanding these mysterious affiliations can help us encourage significant information then human activities that can be used as a justification for change.

Biting one’s nails is a typical propensity that starts in youth and can progress forward into adulthood; it is called onychophagia scientifically. It is classified logically as a repetitive behavior disorder connected to uneasiness as well as pressure. Amid stress, cortisol, the pressure hormone is delivered into the body which thus starts a survival reaction. To decrease pressure and increment center, nail gnawing could accordingly be oblivious very much like other coping techniques.

Nail biting, neurologically, invigorates the mind to deliver synapses like dopamine, consequently giving a brief good feeling and delight. The support after some time can make it a propensity that is difficult to break. This habit can be overwhelmed by behavioral treatments focusing on uneasiness decrease and stress management strategies including care or unwinding work out.

Numerous people are baffled by stalling, the demonstration of putting off errands despite realizing that it would be unsafe; as to psychology, it tends to be seen through a background that ganders at inspiration alongside self-guideline and close to emotional state too. Studies show that the individuals who are probably going to procrastinate for the most part place more weight on nearer time rewards than additional time benefits.

Neuroscientists have found that stalling could include glitches in the mind’s prefrontal cortex, engaged with decision production as well as objective coordinated conduct. While at it, the limbic framework in this region communicates with the one answerable for feelings regulation subsequently causing emotional disturbance among slackers who feel anxious by their undertakings yet feel better when they stay away from them soon.

Handling deferment by partitioning undertakings into more modest units that are reachable, having definite time cutoff points, and practicing self-absolution will in general find success. To assist individuals with wiping out unconstructive reasoning connected with hesitation, accordingly making better ways of behaving; cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) utilizes its techniques advantages like recognizable uniqueness and contention of these considerations.

Although doodling is some of the time considered something that holds individuals back from centering, it can work on both consideration and imagination. It is during unconstrained drawing or jotting that the human psyche expects a specific state of either thinking about outside requests or comprehending itself. Intellectually, doodling exercises make the mind meander in this manner improving answers for issues and helping imaginative reasoning.

At the point when individuals doodle it sets off the default mode network, a piece of the mind that becomes dynamic when we are in a condition of self-reflection or our psyches are meandering. This link draws from different segments of the brain besides supports us to think at the edge and be more imaginative. Concentrate on shows that scribbling assists memory upkeep for tasks that need a center preferring paying consideration to talks and going to social affairs.

As opposed to an indication of a distracted mind, doodling is a decent practice. This is because it supports decisive reasoning plus works on rational execution. Its imaginative potential might be tapped in instructive and vocational settings’ yet with eyes centered around work assignments.

Knowing normal traditions science gives significant consideration to the human approach to behaving and ways for change. Notwithstanding assuming the propensity tended to be nail-gnawing, dawdling, or doodling, applied psychology, neuroscience, and behavioral techniques can urge individuals to take on additional invigorating customs.

At the point when individuals comprehend the reason why they do things and how they do them inside their intellect and forms; they can track down ways of causing themselves to feel quite a bit better and cooperate with other people. From ways of unwinding when you’re stressed or frightened, to having an impact on how an individual contemplates things or beginning another fine art; each propensity mirrors the gathering point among cognizance and development evidence that people are perplexing beings who know how to live well.



Arpana Gupta
Health and  Science

An Investor | Traveler| A Coffee obsessed | Writer : Curator of Emotions, Crafting Stories that Touch the Heart