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Neurons, Glia & Synapses: Inside the Brain’s Communication Network

Rebecca Joan
Health and  Science
Published in
6 min readJun 1, 2024


The human brain, a marvel of nature’s engineering, orchestrates thoughts, emotions, movements, and memories with astonishing precision. At the heart of this intricate symphony lies an elaborate communication network composed of neurons, glia, and synapses. These three elements form the cornerstone of our cognitive and physiological functions, collaborating with our control center — the nervous system.

The Neuron Doctrine and the Birth of Synapses

Many anatomists in the early days of neuroscience believed that neurons were connected, forming a system of tubes. However, Spanish neuroscientist Santiago Ramón y Cajal proposed a different theory in the late 19th century. He argued that neurons were separate entities, communicating across tiny gaps. This concept, known as the neuron doctrine, paved the way for further research. Later, Sir Charles Sherrington confirmed the existence and function of these gaps, naming them synapses.

Photo: The Beautiful Brain: The Drawings of Santiago Ramon y Cajal

The Star Performers: Neurons

The nervous system collaborates with neurons, which act as tiny information processors. Billions exist, each receiving messages from others, processing them, and then sending the information. These neurons link up in complex networks, similar to electrical circuits. The way these circuits are arranged controls everything we do, from the automatic things we barely think about to the most profound thoughts and ideas.

Neurons communicate via electrical impulses known as action potentials. An action potential is generated when a stimulus activates a neuron and travels down the axon to the synaptic terminal. Here, the electrical signal converts into a chemical signal by releasing neurotransmitters. These chemical messengers traverse the synaptic cleft to convey the signal to the next neuron, perpetuating the communication chain.

Classifying Neurons

Despite their diverse shapes and sizes, neurons share some key features. They have a central body (soma) containing the usual suspects for cellular function, like energy-producing mitochondria and protein-building ribosomes. However, what sets neurons apart are their specialized structures for information processing. These distinctive parts can be grouped into four main zones. Each zone is specific in how neurons gather information, make decisions, and communicate with others.

Four Main Zones of a Neuron

  • Dendrites: Receivers of information.
  • An axon: Sender of information.
  • Axon terminal: Also called synaptic bouton; the end of an axon, which forms a synapse on a neuron or other target cell.
  • The cell body: Integrates information.

An individual neuron may have as many as 100,000 synapses, particularly cells with elaborate dendrites. A prominent feature of many dendrites is dendritic spines, which increase the dendrites’ surface area and enable additional synaptic contacts. The number and structure of these dendritic spines can change rapidly due to experiences such as training or sensory exposure.

Electrical impulses, beginning at the cone-shaped axon hillock, travel along the axon toward the axon terminal at high speed before branching out and reaching multiple receiving neurons. A single-cell axon may innervate more than one postsynaptic cell because of the division of the axon into axon branches. This adaptability of dendritic spines has made them a key subject of research. Some dendritic spines can change within minutes, while others remain stable throughout a person’s life.

Neurons Can Be Classified Based on Their Function:

  • Motor Neurons: Carry messages to muscles or glands, allowing us to move.
  • Sensory Neurons: Respond to environmental stimuli, like touch or taste.
  • Interneurons: Communicate solely with other neurons within the brain and spinal cord.

Neurons Can Be Classified Based on Their Shape:

  • Multipolar neurons: Have many dendrites and a single axon, and they are the most common type of neuron.
  • Bipolar neurons: A single dendrite at one end of the cell and a single axon at the other end, and they are ubiquitous in sensory systems, such as vision.
  • Unipolar neurons: A single extension (or process), usually thought of as an axon, that branches in two directions like dendrites, and they transmit touch information from the body to the spinal cord.
Photo: Breedlove and Watson, Behavioral Neuroscience, 2020

Glial Cells: The Unsung Heroes

While neurons are the stars of the nervous system, they don’t work alone. Glial cells, often called glia or neuroglia, significantly outnumber neurons. These unsung heroes provide crucial support for neurons and contribute to the overall information processing happening in the brain, helping with tasks like nutrient supply and waste removal. Although glial cells play a vital role, researchers understand neurons much better due to their electrical activity. Unlike neurons, new glial cells are continuously produced throughout life.

Different Types of Glial Cells Have Specific Functions:

  • Astrocytes: Found near blood vessels, helping with nutrient exchange and waste removal.
  • Microglia: Act as the brain’s janitor, clearing debris from injuries and dead cells.
  • Oligodendrocytes and Schwann Cells: Create a fatty sheath called myelin around axons, which speeds up the transmission of nerve impulses. Damage to this sheath can lead to diseases like multiple sclerosis.
Photo: Mark Ellisman and the Natl. Ctr. Imag. Res.

The Adaptable Brain: Neuroplasticity

The way neurons connect is constantly changing. Synapses form and disappear, and dendrites alter their shapes in response to new patterns of synaptic activity and the creation of new neural circuits. More simply put, synapses change according to experiences. This continuous reorganization of connections is called neuroplasticity. It allows our brains to learn and adapt throughout our lives.

Neurotransmitters: Chemical Messenger Communications

Neurons communicate with each other using chemical messengers called neurotransmitters. These messengers are stored in tiny sacs at the tip of the axon terminal called synaptic vesicles. When the neuron gets a signal, these sacs open, releasing the neurotransmitter into a small gap (cleft) between neurons. On the cleft’s other side, docking stations (receptors) await the neurotransmitter. When the neurotransmitter connects with a receptor, it can either excite or calm down the receiving neuron (postsynaptic neuron), influencing whether it will send its signal onward. Neurotransmitters don’t stay attached forever; they nudge the receptor briefly before floating away. This allows for rapid communication between neurons.

Interestingly, there are many different types of neurotransmitters, each with its specific effect. The receiving neuron has many of these receptor docking stations, allowing it to simultaneously listen to various messages from other neurons. Some neurons can have tens of thousands of these connections, making the brain a complex communication web.

Photo: Dennis Kunkel Microscopy/Science Source

The Intricate Dance of the Nervous System

The nervous system is a marvel of nature, a finely tuned network of billions of neurons working together. From the basic functions that keep us alive to the complex thoughts and emotions that make us human, the nervous system plays a vital role in everything we do. As science continues to unravel its mysteries, we gain a deeper appreciation for the intricate dance that takes place within our brains.

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Rebecca Joan
Health and  Science

I am a Behavioral Cognitive Neuroscience student at UF passionate about exploring the transformative potential of psychedelics, psychology, and neuroscience.