Part 2 : Boost your biology — Essentials Supplements / Tips.

Health and  Science
Published in
6 min readMay 5, 2024

This is in continuation to the part 1, which can be found here:

NOTE: Supplements needs to be cycled, on and off, meaning, do not consume it more than 3–4 months, the recommend duration is around 1–2 months or less, and then go off for 1–2 months, post that, it can be resumed. Blood work is also mandatory before supplementing.

  1. Omega 3s: aka ‘healthy fats’, found in fish and fish oil supplements, it’s an antioxidant which are good for your heart health, while purchasing make sure these types are present in certain quantities.

As these are essential fats which means, the body can’t make them from scratch(on its own) but you must get them from the food(diet)

Omega-3s may help you by raising your HDL (good) cholesterol and lowering your blood pressure.

Three main types of omega-3 fatty acids:

EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). EPA is a “marine omega-3” because it’s found in fish.

DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). DHA is also a marine omega-3 found in fish.

ALA (alpha-linolenic acid). ALA is the form of omega-3 found in plants.

Omega 3s: helps lower the triglyceride levels and if there are too many triglycerides in your blood which is known as hypertriglyceridemia, which raises your risk of atherosclerosis, which increase -> your risk of heart disease and stroke. So, better to keep a check on your triglyceride levels.

2. Whey/Plant protein: Definitely one of the safest supplements out there, for vegans, one can go for Plant/Pea protein and for the people who are lactose intolerant.

Whey -> Derived from milk.

Pea/Plant-> Derived from natural sources like, Pea, Rice, or plants.

Heavily used in bodybuilding industry and for those who want to complete their daily protein intake and not miss consuming the protein calories from their diet.

3. Shilajit: Mineral rich resin like substance, originated in India, found in several mountain ranges worldwide, including the Himalayan, Tibetan. It Contains an important compound known as fulvic acid(antioxidant) which is the main driving factor here. May prevent bone loss, Could increase male fertility, and Less workout fatigue.

While purchasing, look for words like “purified” on the label.Avoid raw, unprocessed shilajit, which can be contaminated.

4. Tongkat Ali: Eurycoma longifolia Jack (tongkat ali), a popular traditional herbal medicine, is a flowering plant of the family Simaroubaceae, native to Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos and Thailand.

Well known for its aphrodisiac effects, classified by herbalists as an adaptogen and anabolic, supports healthy male reproductive function and fertility, including sperm motility, semen production, libido, erectile function, normal testosterone levels.

5. Maca Root (Black, yellow and Red): Herb from Peru, often referred to as the ‘Peruvian ginseng’, known to increase libido, improve semen production, soothes symptoms of menopause.

This plant grows exclusively in the Andes between 4–5K metres above sea level and has been a dietary supplements since long,

Available in Black, yellow and red.

Black: Improves feritily and libido, improves cognition abilities such as memory and concentration.

Yellow: Readily available and cheap, improves mood, energy levels.

Red: known for its antioxidant and anti-cancer properties, supports bone and prostate health , helps in alleviating the symptoms of menopause and premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

5. Beta Alanine: Non essential amino acid, used mainly in strength training and in high intensity session to enhance performance and endurance, often taken as pre-workout, as we know the muscle contains carnosine and if there are higher levels of carnosine then it will allow the muscles to perform for longer periods in the gym before it gets fatigued and beta-alanine helps in the production of carnosine.

6. Taurine: An amino acid, also a boon supplement which has showed results in clinical studies, to be one of the anti-ageing supplement as it increases longevity and as we age, the Taurine decreases.

Note: Avoid Taurine energy drinks which aren’t healthy at all.

Helps the cardiovascular system by improving the lipid profile, enhancing the workouts, helps in supporting immune system and antioxidant function, formation of bile salts that play a vital role in the digestion.

5. Beet Root powder: Helps in increasing the NO (nitric oxide) levels which helps in smooth blood circulation by a process known as vasodilation, as it contains Nitrates which is bioactive and well absorbed and bioavailable in humans.

Body converts -> Nitrates to NO (Nitric Oxide) -> thus helps in loosening the blood vessels -> smooth blood flow

Improves cerebrovascular blood flow and challenge detriments in cognitive function, as we age the NO levels drops down, so supplementing it will surely help.

Some studies shows that it may help in cancer.


6. Cayenne pepper: May improve libido and helps in better blood circulation because it contains a compound called capsaicin, helps the arteries to work well, also relaxes the muscles in your blood vessels so blood can flow easily, reduces blood pressure, heart attacks can be avoided if this is included in your daily diet.

Also an Antioxidant and contains larger amount of Vit A ->thus, helping in good health and skin. contains Vit E as well -> helps in anti-ageing

Capsaicin may reduce the production of the hunger hormone ghrelin.


Essential vitamins and minerals found in cayenne pepper:

Vitamin A: for good vision, a robust immune system, and overall health.

Vitamin C: Cayenne pepper is rich in vitamin C, critical for immune system, forming collagen, and absorbing iron.

Vitamin E: antioxidant helps guard cells from oxidative damage.supports healthy skin and hair.

Vitamin B6: Cayenne pepper has vitamin B6 which is the key for brain growth and function. It aids in forming neurotransmitters and keeps homocysteine levels healthy.

Potassium: Assists in muscle function, nerve signaling, and fluid balance regulation.

Manganese: Essential for the brain, nervous system, and enzyme systems to work properly

7. Creatine monohydrate: One of the most popular and researched supplement in bodybuilding industry, Creatine goes in your skeletal muscles which helps to supply energy to your muscles, so that they aren’t fatigued easily, which increases the muscle strength/performance in short-duration and in high-intensity resistance exercises, such as weightlifting, sprinting and the athletes can perform more number of reps(repetitions) in their workouts.

Helps in maintaining the muscle mass as well as we grow older, offsets age-related sarcopenia. (Sarcopenia is the loss of muscle mass and power that happens as we grow older)

The most important use of creatine is for adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthesis, which generates ATP from adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and when muscle breakdown happens, it loses one molecule(from ATP) ATP -> ADP, and thus extra creatine supplies the missing molecule (completing ATP) and the endurance is maintained.

You should not take this with fruit juices, as this combination results in production of creatinine, which is difficult for the kidneys to process.

8.Pine Bark extract: Sold under the names:

Pycnogenol(pick-no-gen-ol), ProVens, Flavangenol, PineXol, Lady Prelox, Prelox, Oligopin, and Enzogenol.

Extract: French pine, Maritime pine, pycnogenol, or French marine extract.

A herbal supplement rich in healthy polyphenols like procyanidins, catechins, and phenolic acids, as our body generates free radicals(which happens within our cells) which are derived from the endogenous metabolic processes within the body, thus, this extract acts like anti-oxidant as well, killing the free radicals, basically, Antioxidants prevent free radical induced tissue damage by preventing the formation of radicals, or by promoting their decomposition.

May result in an improvement in the symptoms of osteoarthritis(pain in the joints)

Helps in cognition by increasing blood flow to the brain.

Mixing it with L-Arginine, L-Citruline has shown improvements in erectile dysfunction.

Addition, it also helps in Treatment for chronic venous insufficiency, even ADHD and in HIGH BP.

Note: Do not use this with Horse chest-nut extract supplements, as both are use to treat venous insufficiency (CVI), though, in studies, it was found that Pycnogenol is more effective.

Reduced side effects of cancer treatment:

Chemotherapy and radiation can cause side effects like dryness in the mouth, sores, nausea, vomiting, swelling, tiredness. some studies suggest that pine bark could help ease these symptoms.

Reduces dark spots:

Pycnogenol might also promote healthy skin. Studies suggest that taking the extract by mouth helps to protect the skin from sun damage and also to boost skin elasticity and smoothness. Pycnogenol extracts can also reduce swelling and hyperpigmentation.



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