The Dark Side of Wellness When Health Obsession Becomes Unhealthy

Orthorexia, compulsive exercise and Social Media the unhealthy side of health Trends

Arpana Gupta
Health and  Science
5 min readJun 12, 2024


Photo by Natalie Grainger on Unsplash

Over the most recent few years, a huge cultural peculiarity has been the quest for well-being and health which thus has led to committing time and assets to accomplish ideal prosperity by individuals impacted by web media, celebrity support, and a developing business sector of wellbeing-related items and services. This fixation however has prompted various positive outcomes like expanded attention to sustenance and actual work, there is as yet an unseen or concerned side.

Sometimes, being excessively fixated on welfare and health can set off mental issues and other awful circumstances Exemplarily, individuals will more often than not create orthorexia and participate in outrageous activities. This large number of secondary effects uncovers the opposite side of something to be grateful for hence we should be careful about issues relating to strength.

When people follow specific day-to-day schedules and utilize explicit buyer merchandise, individuals can reach their fullest life expectancy as well as ideal ailments, and such message is progressed through the health business which is worth trillions of dollars all around the world.

Well-being society has its charm. It is reasonable that many want a superior expectation for everyday comforts due to such a lot of disorder and serious worry about time. In any case, the idea of dominating one’s health is fulfilling as it could improve somebody’s life by much. Nonetheless, frequently if this yearning goes excessively far into a fixation on fitness and health it could turn impeding.

Dr Steven Bratman devised the name ‘Orthorexia Nervosa’ to mean an obsession with eating nutritious food sources by which people become irrationally extreme with what they eat. Rather than exactly the amount somebody devours dissimilar to different sorts of dietary problems, orthorexia people focus for the most part on what they think about pure foodstuffs. The individuals who have this sort of problem will generally be incredibly critical about what they eat and keep away from a few sorts of food on the mistaken supposition that they are unfortunate.

This obsession with keeping up with great well-being through what we eat can be terrible for people as they wind up lacking fundamental supplements subsequently having a mistaken thought regarding food. In addition, such people will pass on any shared dinners, for example, those found in broad daylight places like cafeterias or which occur during social functions since they fear running over things thought risky by all accounts. It can likewise prompt one’s psychological wellness issues like frightfulness, a sensation of being blameworthy rather than the ideal outcomes.

Photo by Emma Simpson on Unsplash

Orthorexia is an extremely misleading illness since so frequently it is seen as a decent deed. Our reality is about fitness and health, subsequently adhering to severe weight control plans may not cause everything except rather an endorsement. Such disposition makes it trying for individuals experiencing this issue to acknowledge how dreadful they are acting and request support.

Staying in shape is vital as it has been known to enjoy a lot of benefits on our overall well-being like working on cardiovascular health, helping our temperaments, and getting more fit among others. No different either way, it must be finished with some restraint. This peculiarity is called compulsive exercising or exercise addiction by which individuals feel they should take part in proactive tasks regardless of whether their lives are in question or they can’t manage without them.

An excess of workout achieves a wide assortment of actual issues like ongoing wounds, muscle and joint harms, and a debilitated resistant framework, while likewise causing serious mental issues like tension, melancholy as well and friendly separation; individuals who get dependent on practicing regularly think of it as more significant than whatever else in their life like work, companions or dealing with oneself.

Driven by web media and the glorification of outrageous physicality, wellness culture can be awful. Unreasonable guidelines are set for individuals by pictures of fit bodies and difficult exercises which cause them to feel a sense of urgency to continuously be at their best. At times, nervousness from neglecting to work out every day or partake in thorough exercises becomes an excess of the end goal that one is trapped in a pattern of fanatical habitual activities that are challenging to stop.

To keep away from the risks of a health culture, keep up with balance. Wellbeing and health ought to upgrade personal satisfaction instead of directing it. This implies understanding that you can’t be awesome, and you needn’t bother with it to be ideally suited for your prosperity other than actual wellness.

Genuine happiness incorporates physical, mental, and close-to-home well-being according to an all-encompassing viewpoint. It is hence not just food intake or actual work that one ought to take care of; there ought to be thought for stress management as well as friendly associations on account of emotional wellness. To keep up with harmony, fundamental abilities, for example, confidence increment enormously helpful.

It is critical to lay out practical objectives in health, that are feasible and maintainable as opposed to holding back nothing. This could mean downsizing figuring out schedules or permitting some space for change in food varieties one takes, knowing that once in a while it is okay to do what encourages us throughout everyday life except it may not be great for our health.

Significant basic utilization of online media implies one must know about the thing they are consuming. This includes making a different and sensible portrayal of health care and wellness in your feed while likewise trying to enjoy reprieves from these stages so as not to end up continually contrasting oneself as well as other people.

As known well-being development has achieved many great changes however certainly being keeping watch for its conceivable negative aspects is significant. A ton of fixation on wellness can prompt orthorexia and practice compulsion nature which are exceptionally risky issues; not failing to remember web media contributes essentially to the setting of incredible things. One can partake in the benefits that accompany driving a sound way of life without turning into a compulsion or perfectionist by taking a moderate stand on issues connected with wellness. Primarily, wellness ought to better our lives and not propel us.



Arpana Gupta
Health and  Science

An Investor | Traveler| A Coffee obsessed | Writer : Curator of Emotions, Crafting Stories that Touch the Heart