About the Project : Benchmarking Canada’s Health Care Systems: International Comparisons, 2017

Project : Benchmarking Canada’s Health Care Systems: International Comparisons, 2017

By Sayed Ahmed


Visualize the performance of Canadian Healthcare System Performance against other countries

Short Description :

Analyze, compare, and visualize the performance of Canadian healthcare system against other

countries using public dataset. The dataset provides benchmark comparison data on health

care performance indicators. I will visualize the performance on some key performance

indicators as well as will draw an overall comparison and visualize the summary.

Data source :

Benchmarking Canada’s Health Care Systems: International Comparisons, 2017

Dataset URL:



Dataset Content:

1 Indicator methodology 2017

2 Health status 2017

3 Non-med determinants 2017

4 Access to care 2017

5 Quality of care 2017

6 Patient safety 2017

7 Prescribing in primary 2017

Technologies :

Python, Python Libraries, Jupyter Notebook, Anaconda, ipywidgets.

Optionally might introduce interactivity in the visualization using technologies such as






Justetc Social Services (non-profit)
Health System Performance

All proceeds from Medium will go to Justetc Social Services ( non-profit). Justetc Social Services provides services in the Training and Education Areas.