healthbank’s global high-end security health data exchange platform guarantees your complete medical history at your fingertips

Published in
3 min readOct 15, 2018

Swiss cooperative’s health eco-system empowers you to store and exchange your personal health data securely, benefiting individual wellbeing and driving medical innovation.

In May 2013, an international team of 28 academics, entrepreneurs, and experts in the healthcare industry set a goal: They wanted to return the control of personal health data to the people through a cooperative owned by the people, managed by the people and for the people. Individual personal health data has historically resided in heavily guarded siloes, stored in independent databases of medical institutions where this information was first recorded. This makes it extremely tedious and therefore rare for any individual and care providers to have his/her complete medical history at their fingertips.

The Swiss cooperative just launched healthbank’s high-end security health data exchange platform in its version 2.0, an ecosystem designed to enable users to securely store and exchange their personal medical data with a range of healthcare, pharmaceutical, and wellness & lifestyle service providers worldwide.

An open health eco-system that puts you first

Through a personal health data management console, individuals will be able to manage their complete health history effectively and efficiently, integrating both their medical health data as well as user-generated data like trackers or their IoT devices. With healthbank’s health data exchange platform, users will also be able to connect seamlessly to an open health eco-system, with easy access to healthcare providers (hospitals, pharmacies, doctors), products and analytics services from companies in the industry (pharmaceuticals, research, med tech), and up-to-date healthcare information from universities and libraries.

Easy access to individual secure and complete medical history on-the-go ensures better-informed medical treatment by professionals. Seamless connection to a comprehensive and open health eco-system online means greater convenience and choice.

The user ultimately is at the center of healthbank’s health ecosystem. Health data is fully-controlled by the user who is able to manage how and where their data is generated and stored, and to whom it is shared with. At every stage, explicit and informed consent from the user is always required. End-to-end encryption as well as high-end security architecture additionally ensures that all health data is always secure and under maximum security.

Contribute to innovations in health sciences

With personal health data no longer residing in siloes owned by medical institutions but instead rightfully back in the full control of the people, individuals are now also able to directly contribute to innovations in health sciences for the benefit of both the individual and the society. Through healthbank’s tokenized health ecosystem, individuals now have the ability to directly exchange their health data to advance medical research and development, and to receive monetary reward in return. This feature will result in cost-optimization in the healthcare sector and drive innovation, while complying with a maximum of data protection and data control.

healthbank’s ITO Launch

Currently, healthbank’s health eco-system already boasts existing live partnerships with over 200,000 live users. It has defined several eco-system partnerships, with companies such as Galenica, Switzerland’s biggest pharma logistics company, and Sanovation, an award-winning leading pain application provider. On the tech partnership side, it has teamed up with Microsoft, RISE and Haako to build the most secure and maximum scalable solution for people’s health data.

Along the way, healthbank has been selected by the Journal of mHealth 3 times for their ‘Digital Health Global 100’ award, and its CEO invited to speak at TEDxBasel in 2016 and 2018. It also took part of the Vienna Health Hub 2018 accelerator program.

This quarter, healthbank launched an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) to finance further development of its health ecosystem. healthbank’s ICO public presale started mid-September 2018, and its public crowdsale on November 13th 2018.

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