Part 3 — the chronic pain patient

Published in
2 min readNov 27, 2018

healthbank — your “permanent pain companion”

Having a chronic or severe pain really sucks. I mean really. Not being able to sleep properly, move properly or feel properly really is affecting people’s quality of life. In addition to that, doctors don’t really do a long-term surveillance of this chronic pain but rather ask the patients “how do you feel today? How’s the pain progressed?” And the chronic pain patient feels left alone, supervised by “flash light” observations and neglected.

That’s what one of our partners, the founders of Sanovation’s “Catch My Pain” and “Pain Companion” apps thought as well. Those guys particularly realized that there needs to be a “pain diary” for recording chronic pain, its areas of affection and the severity on a daily basis. Recorded by the patient and for the patient. With this self-recorded documentation, patients have a whole new basis for showing the doctor progress with their pain, their wellbeing and their treatment.

But this is not where Sanovation stopped: together with healthbank, we conquered an entirely new set of opportunities; Now, what if you now could — in addition to the pain history you built — combine your pain entries with your very own medication plan for subscribed medication?

What if you could personally add some OTC* medication — that you decided to take in addition to the prescribed one — to your medication plan thus have a complete medication history?

What if you could include your fitness tracker to monitor moving your body slowly, which can** help to better your body condition and reduce chronic pain? What if you could add nutrition diary, body scale, workout minutes and other well-being documentation?

We would say this goes way beyond pure pain management: This is healthbank, sanovation & YOUR permanent pain companion.

In order to learn more about healthbank, join the Telegram Channel and visit the website. Further information:

*Over the counter medication, e.g. Paracetamol, Aspirin® etc.z

**According to medical studies, not moving enough may be one of the main influencers of chronic or severe pain. This statement, however, would need to be verified on a very individual basis. Please don’t exercise or work out without a proper consultation with your doctor.

