Beyond the Fog featuring at conferences — recent and upcoming

Richard Gold
Health Beyond The Fog
2 min readJul 11, 2018

Our unique 10–15 year Vision for truly patient-centred healthcare in a technology enabled 21st century is getting its first public outings at industry conferences.

At the Royal Society of Medicine’s Future of Medicine conference on 13 June, a repeated question through the day in response to the awe inspiring innovations that were presented in individual fields of medicine like genomics, AI and medical technology was, in the words of one audience member: “who in the NHS is sitting up late at night smoking weed and figuring out how it all fits together”.

The Beyond the Fog presentation by lead co-author Andy Wilkins — the last of the day brought it all together exactly as requested (no weed smoked). Unsurprising, then, all but one of the questions to the final panel were addressed to the Vision.

A couple of weeks later, Andy presented again, this time at the Digital Healthcare Show at London’s Excel within a session on how artificial intelligence in healthcare will impact patient outcomes.

Later this month, we’ll be presenting to a wider public audience at the Science Museum’s Lates session called Medical Marvels. It will be interesting to see what the primarily 18–34 year old audience will make of it. It’s a free event, so if you’d like to see the Vision presented, please do go along. get there early though as there tends to be very long queues to get in.

