Path of a dollar through the Magical city of Health Care.

Healthcare Critic
Published in
3 min readSep 23, 2023

Once upon a time, in the complex realm of healthcare, there was a humble dollar that embarked on a fascinating journey through the intricate maze of the Medicare system, touching the lives of various players in the healthcare value chain.

Our tale begins with the federal government, the benevolent overseer of healthcare policies and finances. The government held this dollar tightly, a symbol of hope and support for the millions seeking medical aid across the nation. With a sense of duty and purpose, the government carefully allocated this dollar towards Medicare, the cornerstone of healthcare for the elderly and disabled.

As this dollar ventured forth, it encountered the Insurance Company — a sentinel of security in the healthcare landscape. The Insurance Company stood as a bridge between the government and the beneficiaries, ensuring the dollar reached those in need. They safeguarded the dollar, ensuring it was spent wisely to cover essential medical services.

Next, our dollar made its way to the Pharmacy Benefit Manager, a diligent guardian of pharmaceutical resources. This vigilant entity ensured that medications were accessible and affordable, stretching the dollar’s value to provide a multitude of medicines to patients, keeping them on the path to health and recovery.

The Pharmacy eagerly welcomed our dollar, ready to dispense care in the form of medications. They efficiently transformed the dollar into a lifeline for those requiring prescriptions, ensuring the right medicines reached the right hands at the right time.

Administrative Services, the silent caretaker, played a crucial role in guiding the dollar’s journey. They managed the logistics, streamlined operations, and optimized processes, ensuring the dollar’s efficient distribution and utilization across the healthcare value chain.

In the depths of the healthcare ecosystem, the Drug Companies stood as pioneers of innovation. They received a fraction of the dollar, investing it in research, development, and production of life-saving drugs. This investment was their contribution to the ongoing battle against diseases, pushing the boundaries of medical science.

Lastly, the critical positions held by various firms in the healthcare value chain — dedicated doctors, nurses, technicians, and administrative staff — each played their part in amplifying the dollar’s impact. Their expertise and care ensured that every cent was utilized optimally to heal, comfort, and support the health and well-being of the people.

As the dollar traversed through this healthcare odyssey, it witnessed the incredible collaborative effort of these entities. Despite the complexity and challenges, they all worked in harmony to transform a single dollar into a priceless resource, providing healthcare and hope to those in need.

In the end, our humble dollar had not only touched various lives but also exemplified the power of collective endeavor in the pursuit of better healthcare for all. And so, this symbolic journey underscored the essence of compassion, collaboration, and dedication within the intricate tapestry of the healthcare value chain.



Healthcare Critic

I write about business, economy and topics revolving it.