7 Ways for Seniors to Stay Active

Jane Hurst
Healthcare in America
3 min readJul 10, 2019
Image Source: Pexels

As people age the need for physical activity increases. Older adults are more prone to dizzy spells and falling because of balance issues. Staying physically active can help seniors live a more happy life during their retirement years. Here are seven ways for seniors to stay active.

  1. Slow and Steady — If a senior has not exercised in awhile they will need to take it slow and steady. You can suggest walking in the park or other areas that have a level track. This will help them maintain their balance while they get out and enjoy the fresh air. You can also take them to an inside walking trail or a mall if the weather is inclement. Take it slowly to start and give them plenty of breaks as they need it. You do not want to cause any physical problems by overtaxing them.
  2. Hydration — Make sure you provide water for rehydration. Seniors need to remember to drink eight glasses of water a day or more if they are exercising. You can use a refillable bottle to help them keep track of their water intake. Make sure they drink water before, during, and after exercising to help them keep hydrated.
  3. Check with a doctor — Before starting any new exercise regime seniors should check with a doctor. Their doctor can help them pick out a regime that is safe and effective for them. If you go to the doctor with them you can ask about their limitations. Exercise will help seniors with their balance issues, but they could still fall. You want to be sure they are exercising in a healthy manner.
  4. Classes — There are many exercise classes that are catered to seniors. There are low impact aerobic classes, swimming classes, and even rumba for beginners classes. Dancing will help them with their balance and build up their arm and leg muscles to help strengthen their core. Also, exercise classes will allow seniors to be around other people their age and help them get out and about and mingle with potential friends. This is great for their mental health, too.
  5. Gym — Some gyms offer a senior discount. You can sign up a senior at a local gym where they can get individualized attention from a trainer or use the equipment on their own. They will be around people who are trying to stay fit and trainers who will help them exercise without harming themselves. You can ask for trainers who work with seniors and they can offer an exercise regime that will be best for a senior citizen. Just remember to keep hydrated during exercise.
  6. Relaxing — Exercise is great for seniors, but they also need to relax and take down days. You want to build up to a good routine that allows them to rest in between exercise sessions. Too much exercise can make them run down and vulnerable to sickness. Keep it steady and fun.
  7. Sports — Golfing is a great activity for seniors. It involves walking and other movement. Throwing a frisbee or going bowling can also be a fun activity that promotes exercise without too much strain on their joints. The key is to find an all around sport that will not jar or hurt their muscles or joints. Miniature golfing is fun and a good way to start someone out who wants to exercise but has not in awhile.

Getting seniors out and about is good for them both physically and mentally. Moving around and meeting new people will help them have a happier life. Take things slow and remember to hydrate and soon they will be dancing the night away.

