8 Things to Know About Eating Healthy in the Hospital

Jane Hurst
Healthcare in America
3 min readAug 21, 2018
Source: Pexels

When you go to a hospital as a patient, probably the last thing you think about is the food you are being served. Since you are in a hospital, you assume the food is healthy. Unfortunately, this may not be the case. Here are eight things to know about hospital food and how to eat a healthy meal while you are there.

1. Hospital Budget

When it comes to food, the budget is lacking in most hospitals. They have invested in many other aspects, but not food. The hospital provides a basic low grade meal that fits their budgetary constraints. Many hospitals use food vendors that provide cheap junk food. Trying to make a meal with healthy food can be considered too costly. Hospitals want to provide you with the best care, except when it comes to food.

2. Processed food

Most hospital food is processed and has excess sugar. Most meals contain some sort of processed meat, artificially sweetened foods, and sweetened drinks. Some of these foods have been linked to some cancers. These foods can create more problems for you and may delay or possibly stall your recovery.

3. Fast food options

In most hospitals there are cafeterias and some restaurants. Unfortunately the cafeteria is selling the same food they are giving to their patients, and most of the restaurants are fast food. The fast food restaurants have high fat and processed foods that are very unhealthy. If you ask your family to grab you a quick meal, chances are you will end up with a burger and fries.

4. Healthier take out options

You do have options when it comes to eating in the hospital. One of these options is to find a healthier restaurant. Some restaurants have healthier options and take out for you. Planet Smoothie offers delicious healthy smoothies that are full of nutritional goodness. If you are in the mood for seafood, Boiling Crab restaurant has broiled fish and other goodies from the sea. Just Salad restaurant offers a variety of healthy and fun salads to choose from. Wherever you decide to get your food, make sure it is nutritious. The healthier your food, the healthier you will feel.

5. Bring it from home

Everyone enjoys a home cooked meal. You can ask your family members to bring some goodies from home. Have them make a fresh vegetable or grain salad. That way, you will know exactly what is in your food and the chances of having artificial sweeteners or preservatives are minimized. A home cooked meal from scratch is some of the healthiest food you will find.

6. Skip the meat

If you do decide to eat the hospital food, stay away from the meat products unless they are organic. Most factory raised farm meat is not good for you. Also anything covered in sauces should be avoided. The sauces probably contain high amounts of sugar and carbohydrates.

7. Fruits and vegetables

In the hospital, fresh fruits and vegetables are your friends. Try to choose fresh fruit as opposed to a fruit cup. Fruits and vegetables are healthy when they are not too processed. Find out if you can order your vegetables al dante as this will provide you with more nutrients.

8. Grains

Grains, like oatmeal, buckwheat, quinoa, and others are highly nutritional. If you can find oatmeal with fresh fruit for breakfast, that is a fantastic way to eat healthy. Look for different grains on the hospital menu or order them from a local restaurant. You want to eat healthy to help you feel better as you recover in the hospital.

