Commercial Products With Underrated Health Benefits

Adrian Johansen
Healthcare in America
5 min readOct 1, 2019

Image Source 1: Pixabay

When you think of doctors, thoughts of tests, labs, and (particularly) prescription medicines are likely the first to come to mind. But the truth is, doctors have a host of other medicinal options available to prescribe to you besides those tiny pills in little orange bottles. Over time, I’ve found that many of these natural remedies or lifestyle changes can be even more effective than their prescription alternatives.

In addition, many of these options have fewer side effects, and they often cost much less to access and use — which is a big deal considering the fact that healthcare costs rose a shocking 34% between 2007 and 2018. With all of this in mind, I’ve compiled several of the best non-health-industry products and activities that doctors have suggested to both myself and others.

Underrated Commercial Products with Powerful Health Benefits

Here are a few of the most interesting, often off-beat, commercial products that have snuck their way into the healthcare world — all without ever needing to be prescribed.


Image Source 2: Pixabay

I have to include this one first because it’s genuinely healthy and totally skipped over in American culture. Bidets are often seen as little more than a laughing stock, but using one on a regular basis can actually have some pretty stellar results. Along with being a cleaner option than toilet paper, bidets are also helpful for things like hemorrhoids, are better for the environment, and even good for your plumbing.

Smartwatches and Fitness Trackers

Image Source 3: Pixabay

Smart devices are already being used within the healthcare industry in plenty of fascinating ways. However, the magic doesn’t stop there. There are also many options for those operating outside of the professional healthcare industry. I’ve seen myriad smart devices come and go over the past couple decades, but perhaps the absolute best ones yet fall into two categories: fitness trackers and smartwatches.

These nifty devices have two similar yet somewhat different skill sets. The former can quietly track all of your fitness goals while the latter can do many similar functions while also keeping you connected to your smartphone and, by extension, your online life. While their specific functions vary, the best part about all fitness trackers and smartwatches is that they help give you a feeling for how much you’re moving.

I work a desk job, and I’m shocked some days to see just how little I’ve walked. I’ll even start the day with a nice, brisk 15-minute stroll with the dog and still barely reach a few thousand steps by day’s end (ideally an adult like myself should be getting upwards of 10,000 steps per day). Fitness trackers help remind you to keep moving until you’ve really gotten enough exercise. Along with the step counts, many models also include heart rate monitors that constantly ensure you’re at healthy levels.

Virtual and Augmented Reality

Image Source 4: Pixabay

Another pair of technologies that are making a splash in the healthcare sphere are virtual and augmented reality. While the thought of strapping on a pair of VR goggles may be something you commonly associate with Apple commercials or gaming conventions, the immersive technology is actually making an impact in the lives of those who are genuinely hurting as well.

Cancer patients, for example, have found an escape through VR that allows them to relax. Those struggling with PTSD have also been able to utilize software in order to recreate their triggers and symptoms under controlled circumstances.

Fair Trade

Image Source 5: Pixabay

This next one’s interesting. While it applies to a ton of different commercial products, the “fair trade” label has had an interesting, albeit severely underappreciated, effect on the health of millions around the world.

On the one hand, there are the farmers and workers create the products themselves. The mere fact that they’re treated better and paid a fair wage to create fair trade products naturally increases their health. But the ramifications don’t stop there.

Research has exposed the fact that the users of fair trade products get in on the health benefits too. For instance, using products that have been thoughtfully sourced and manufactured can help to fight against things like high blood pressure and obesity.


Image Source 6: Pixabay

Hobbies are another nebulous subject that might seem out of place on a list like this, but trust me, I have a reason for including it. Doctors often go to hobbies in order to help encourage patients to deal with a huge variety of different ailments. This is because hobbies are powerfully underrated tools in the fight for health!

The important thing, in this case, is linking the hobby with the problem. A person leading a sedentary lifestyle, for instance, may want to take up hiking or rock climbing. A patient who is stressed out at work or struggling with depression should probably try fishing, yoga, or painting miniature soldiers (one of my favorite). An elderly person who has physical restrictions may want to take water aerobics lessons or even purchase a metal detector. The point is, hobbies turn a huge variety of commercial products into valuable, underrated tools in the fight for better health.

Avoiding the Prescriptions

Image Source 7: Pixabay

While there is certainly a time and a place for prescriptions, it’s important to realize that even doctors don’t always jump to a bottle of pills to address an ailment. Whether it’s a new hobby, a fitness tracker, a bidet, or a shift to thoughtfully purchasing more Fair Trade products, there’s no doubt that there is a sizeable list of commercial products out there capable of increasing our health without a doctor ever having to put pen to paper. Always consult your doctor before making any decisions regarding medication, but be sure to explore what you can do to improve your holistic well-being.



Adrian Johansen
Healthcare in America

I’m a writer and adventurer in the Pacific Northwest! Always in the pursuit of more knoweldge! Check out my writing on Contently or Twitter