Holistic Radiology And Dreams: Early Warning Tool For Disease

Kat O'Keefe-Kanavos
Healthcare in America
5 min readApr 13, 2018

Have you ever met a Holistic Radiologist who also works as a conventional Duke University Radiologist AND believes dreams can save your life?

Please meet Holistic Radiologist Dr. Larry Burk who believes dreams mixed with medicine can be a means of early detection for illness and a means of Inner-guidance for healing during treatment, as written in the book based on his groundbreaking dream research validated by pathology reports concerning Dreams That Can Save Your Life: Early Warning Signs of Cancer and Other Diseases.

Holistic Radiology comforts patients.

Portions of this article were taken from a Kat Kanavos Show Internet TV Interview with Dr. Larry Burk. The Video Show is posted at the bottom of this article.

According to Modern Medicine Network, a Holistic Radiologist can help you deal with anxiety while undergoing a stressful radiological procedure, such as an MRI scan, or something more painful like a breast biopsy. Fortunately, Holistic Radiology is one approach Dr. Larry Burk has used, based on hypnosis, which has been shown to improve patient comfort.

Dr. Larry Burk works as a conventional Radiologist a couple days a week at Duke University Medical. One of his other responsibilities as a professor is to teach the residents and Fellows how to read x-rays.

Larry, as he prefers to be called, has been mixing conventional with holistic medicine for years.

Dr. Larry Burk did his medical school and residency training at the University of Pittsburgh and was co-founder of Duke Integrative Medicine. He is a consulting associate in radiology at Duke University Medical Center. He is also a Certified Energy Health Practitioner who is certified in clinical hypnosis and trained in medical acupuncture. Larry is a former board president of the Rhine Research Center, and is currently president of Healing Imager, P.C. in Durham, NC, offering dream work and EFT tapping.

And, if that is not enough to keep him busy, Dr. Burk reads MRI Scans by teleradiologist from all over the country.

According to Wikipedia and News Medical Life Sciences, Teleradiology is the transmission of radiological patient images, such as x-rays, CTs, and MRIs, from one location to another for the purposes of sharing studies with other radiologists and physicians.

Then a couple of mornings a week he goes to his wife’s office to do EFT; Emotional Freedom Technique Tapping which he often combines with hypnosis and dream-work.

Patients undergoing treatment for illness or pain or recovering from surgeries have used EFT tapping as a mean to manage discomfort because it is free of pharmaceuticals and their side effects, which includes the much publicized opioid addition.

Dr. Burk’s interest in dreams and his curiosity as to why there was so little medical research concerning dreams as a diagnostic tool for early screening of illness, propelled him to begin his own research on The Breast Cancer Dreams Research Project that included eighteen women whose dreams diagnosed their breast cancer, that was later validated by medical pathology reports.These amazing women became the focus of his latest research and the backbone for the book, Dreams That Can Save Your Life: Early Warning Signs of Cancer and Other Diseases,(Inner Traditions/Simon & Schuster, April 2018).

Back to the Future through Dreams? Dr. Burk’s research and findings are the next step beyond Drs. Freud and Jung.

Dr. Larry Burk and his co-author Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos first met in 2015 through a mutual friend when they were fellow presenters on Precognitive Dreams and Healing at an IASD Conference; the International Association for the Study of Dreams.Kathleen was presenting on how her Precognitive Dreams had diagnosed her breast cancer all three times, and her dreams had been validated by pathology reports. Shortly after their meeting Kathleen was invited onto the Dr. Oz Show to talk about her dream experiences.

Dr. Oz had contacted Kathleen’s doctors and even had one of them send him a video confirming that Kathleen’s facts about having dreams first and medical validation second was indeed correct. He waved her medical reports at the audience and said, “I am a fact driven doctor. If I did not have the evidence of dreams diagnosing cancer in my hand right now, I would not believe it.”

Dr. Larry Burk also connected with Wanda Burch, the author of She Who Dreams. Wanda’s dreams warned of her demise from cancer if she finished her Dance of Death down the Hallway of the Dead in her dream warning of breast cancer. The idea for a book based on diagnostic and precognitive dreams was born.

Three key facts were shared by most of the dreamers in the project for dream exploration:

1.) The dreams were recurrent and could not be ignored.

2.) The dreams were very detailed and vivid.

3.) The dreams compelled the dreamer to do something. The dream was a call-to-action.

In the research, patient Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos recalls how spirit guides dressed as Franciscan Monks entered her dreams and told her she had breast cancer. The monks placed her hand on her breast in the dream to show her where the cancer was located, and then told her to return to her doctor the next day without an appoint and request exploratory surgery, “…because that is the only way the cancer will be found.”

Like the other dreamers in the study, Kathleen’s dream was validated by a pathology report.

Dreams that diagnose illness have been recorded as a part of medicine, health, and healing since Ancient Egypt and Greece. Bringing dreams back into the light of day as one of many tools for early disease detection is a step back into the future that may change the face of modern-day medicine.

You can learn more about Dr. Larry Burk, his ongoing research, scientific articles, newspaper columns, TEDx talk, newsletters and video blogs HERE. And watch my interview with Dr. Larry Burk below:

About Dr. Larry Burk: Dr. Burk did his medical school and residency training at the University of Pittsburgh, and was co-founder of Duke Integrative Medicine. He is a consulting associate in radiology at Duke University Medical Center, a Certified Energy Health Practitioner and is also certified in clinical hypnosis and trained in medical acupuncture. He is a former board president of the Rhine Research Center, and is currently president of Healing Imager, P.C. in Durham, NC, offering Let Magic Happen coaching with dreamwork and EFT tapping. His scientific articles, newspaper columns, TEDx talk, newsletters, interviews, presentations and video blogs are posted at www.larryburkmd.com.

About the author: Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos is a TV Producer/Host and Author/Lecturer of Dreams That Can Save Your Life written with Drs Larry Burk & Foreword by Dr.Bernie Siegel which promotes patient advocacy and connecting with Dreams for success in health, wealth, and relationships. ContactKathleen OKeefeKanavos.com Website

Photo Credit:Pixabay.com doctor-1149149_960_720 unsplash Pixabay FREE No Attribution Required



EFT Tapping- https://www.thetappingsolution.com/what-is-eft-tapping/

Modern Medicine Network- http://www.diagnosticimaging.com/practice-management/holistic-radiology-comforts-patients

News Medical Life Sciences- https://www.news-medical.net/health/What-is-Teleradiology.aspx

Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teleradiology

Originally published at www.bizcatalyst360.com on April 13, 2018.



Kat O'Keefe-Kanavos
Healthcare in America

On DrOz-TV/Radio KatKanavosShow/Wicked Housewives On Cape Cod™ KatheenOkeefeKanavos.com Agented Author-DREAMS THAT CAN SAVE/ SURVIVING CANCERLAND,Chicken Soup