How HORMONES control our lives. And how YOU can control them!

Hormones are very powerful as it takes just a minimal amount to cause big changes in our mental and physical health, affecting and altering the state of our mind and lives.

Lite & Healthy Superfoods
4 min readJan 15, 2016

Each and every emotion we feel and experience is the result of release of certain hormones inside of our bodies, as well as what we eat and do physically.

Hormones are considered as the body’s chemical messengers.

Communicating between organs and tissues, via the blood stream, their signals can travel virtually anywhere in the circulatory system. Regulating our physiology and behavior, digestion, tissue function, respiration, metabolism, body’s repair system, sensory perception, sleep, reproductive organs, growth, movement, our mood, energy levels and even weight changes!

So how can we keep our hormones happy and avoid some of the hormonal imbalance related symptoms such as mood swings, irritability, anxiety, depression, menopause, endometriosis, cysts, skin problems, and many others?

“I wish to be happy and healthy. Have happy hormones. I like to feel magic in my life, my skin glowing and lightness in my step.”

One wonders and asks oneself where do I start! It can all be so overwhelming.

Always begin with “Where am I now. What can I do right now.”

Not every day can be perfect, dealing with difficult situation, and difficult people can be trying. Even in those times one must realize that “I have no power over how others choose to behave and think, the only power I have is how I react to it, how I deal with it.”

Stress can be one of the major factors of hormone imbalance. We can all find a way of coping. I look at those people and think my goodness they must be more stressed then me.

Happy and healthy hormones can change your life no matter what the situation.

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Here a list of steps that will help you BALANCE your hormones

  1. Staying AWARE

The human brain is like the GENERAL of our body; with over a hundred billion neurons, connecting to all our cells and organs, receiving information from the rest of the body, interpreting that information, and guiding the body’s response to it.

How we think, handle our stress levels, how we fuel our body and exercise — all these things have a direct impact on how our brain functions for our overall health and well being.


Smoking, processed sugar, almost all processed foods with additives and preservatives, all GMO products, as well as alcohol and coffee in large amounts.

It definitely won’t be making our hormones jumping with joy.

3. Detox your MIND

Removing mental toxins from our mind is equally important as removing them from our body.

How kind are you to yourself, are you your best friend?

The things we worry about, are they really that important? Be kind to yourself. Love is the most powerful emotion that releases the magical healthy hormones.

4. Using NATURAL foods for long-term benefits

Healthy Brain & Mind

“Maintaining a high antioxidant level is important for healthy happy hormones and mind.”

Look for darker coloured fruits and vegetables. Most nutritionists name blueberries as the ultimate antioxidant powerhouse. They protect the brain’s delicate cell membranes and cells that may cause dementia.

Omega-3 fatty acids from oily, cold-water fish (salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines and trout) are the best to improve alertness. These are also a great source of iodine.

Spinach, broccoli, or beans are a good source of B Vitamins.

Be aware that as you get older you need more B-6, B-12 and magnesium, all important in maintaining your nervous system. B-12 and folic acid (folate) are best absorbed in supplement form.

Lettuce and other leafy greens are great sources of magnesium, an all-star mineral that plays a huge role in your body processes.

Healthy Thyroid

Nuts such as cashews, almonds, and pumpkin seeds are another excellent source of magnesium. Brazil nuts help your thyroid in two ways. Not only are they a good source of magnesium, and rich in selenium, this mineral supports the thyroid and increase the action of antioxidants. Just a few Brazil nuts a day gives you the selenium you need.

Iodine is also needed for normal thyroid function, and for the production of thyroid hormones. Iodine assists the process of converting food into energy.

Super-foods such as maca and spirulina are great thyroid pick me up’s.

Happier thyroid hormones = lesser mood swings

Healthy Ovaries

These are the most important hormonal organs of the female reproductive system.

Keep your ovaries healthy with this age old Indian recipe — cinnamon sticks in a teapot with boiling water; drink as tea without any additives. You can keep adding hot water until the flavor of those sticks last. (easily for few days). I had no menopause symptoms because of doing this.

Healthy Skin

Skin hormones can be stimulated and your skin can be kept healthy with Vitamins A and E. I like washing my face with camomile tea, it stimulates the hormones in my skin and keeps my skin looking young, it is also a natural astringent. Aloe Vera plant is another natural alternative.

Remember Happier hormones means happier YOU. So keep on shining!

Jasmine Fricker

Jasmine Fricker is a Numerologist, Channeler, Reiki Master, Arhatic Yogi, and an Experienced Spiritual and Energy Healer, Tarot Reader and a Pendulum Dowser.

She began her training in 1975 with Rev. John C King, and since then has traveled the world expanding her knowledge in spiritual healing and transformation.

— this article first appeared on The Natural Beauty Expert blog —



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