Introducing KaleKam; we’re making eating healthy into a game

Sebastian Leon
Healthcare in America
2 min readJan 4, 2017

We’ve all heard these scary numbers. 1 in 4 Americans die from heart disease. Over 1 in 3 are obese. 1 in 3 will have diabetes by 2050. What’s interesting is that our major health problems have one thing in common: they all come from lifestyle choices. Our diet (and physical activity) is holding us back from enjoying longer, healthier lives.

Our solution to help fix the American diet? A mobile game where you win by eating healthy. Take a picture of your plate, and our image recognition bot will award points based on how healthy you’re eating.

Are we insane? Possibly. But after seeing some of our laziest friends walk dozens of miles daily because of Pokemon Go, we realized that mobile games could be the answer to fixing the American diet.

Meet KaleKam 🌿📸

Find KaleKam in an app store near you!

With KaleKam, players invite friends to eat healthy together. They create group challenges where everyone either competes individually, or works together towards a group goal.

In our first set of challenges, you can win by earning the most health points before time runs out. Earn up to 100 health points with every food photo, depending on your meal’s nutritional density and its percentage of calories from unrefined sources.

We use artificial intelligence to figure out what’s on your plate. Over time, we’ll start taking into account what you’ve eaten in the past, what people eat around this time (e.g.. 9 a.m. means breakfast), and the menus from nearby restaurants.

And who knows, there might be other benefits to eating better. There’s growing evidence showing that a better diet can lead to more happiness, less depression, and greater productivity. What’s there not to love?

If you want to check it out, download KaleKam for free on iOS in the US app store (link).
More countries and Android coming soon!

Abhinav Vadrevu and I are all ears for feedback and ideas, shoot us a note at!

