Know More About Fat Removal Options and Their Advancement in Safety

Madison Fletcher
Healthcare in America
4 min readAug 19, 2019

A slim and fit body is desired by everybody out there, irrespective of age and gender. We all want to fit into clothes of attractive sizes and stay as fit as possible. But many times, we fail to achieve it easily, spending day after day not eating enough, exercising and following all sorts of compact diet that restricts out food habits and yet some people still do not achieve the body size they want.

The solution of getting the body one dreams is surgery after every other method fails. This is what the majority of people has recently started following. Previously the treatments and surgeries related to Liposuction were not minimally invasive, left visible scar marks after surgery and were pretty painful as well.

This nature of the surgery made people extremely sceptical about opting to get it done for their body. But now times are changing, the field of medicine is also seeing dynamic up-gradation within itself with many modern approaches that are being incorporated into treatment procedures as well. All of these are making surgical procedures extremely hassle-free for patients as well. The surgical procedures in some clinics are now totally relying upon the robotic method of surgeries as well. Apart from liposuction, many other forms of treatment are invented which will help people from getting rid of their excess fat that will be removed without any complications.

Some of the most convenient fat removal options are:

VASER liposuction

This is considered as one of the most convenient minimally invasive methods of fat removal. Vaser liposuction is one of the most highly preferred surgical methods due to its simplicity. Unlike other forms of liposuction methods, VASER uses ultrasounds to melt and remove fat from the body. The ultrasounds help in focussing on the fat and do not affect any of the nerves or connective tissues in the body. The recovery time is required for a minimum number of days only. The VASER treatment method also never gives rise to any post-op complications as well.

Cool sculpting

This is another highly preferred method of fat removal as well. Cool sculpting is a minimally invasive method of fat removal that causes no scarring or any sort of postoperative complications as well.

In cool sculpting, the fat molecules are covered into the solid mass from a liquid by using cooling methods to drop the temperature of fat molecules to a huge extent. This process destroys the fat which is later on removed from the body by its natural mechanisms only. The whole process requires no cutting or usage of knives hence no chances of developing scars or infection as well. The whole process is executed in a compact process and requires a very little amount of time. This will not restrict any of the physical activities the patient wants to indulge in either.

Radiofrequency lipolysis or Vanquish

This is an amazing way to get rid of fat blobs present in a particular area which one finds very difficult to get rid of easily. In Radiofrequency lipolysis or Vanquish radiofrequency is used on the area containing fat from a distance of one centimetre away from the patient’s body without making any contact.

The radiofrequency heat up the fat molecules without damaging any other cells present in the body and ultimately melts it off efficiently making the area firm and devoid of any fat as well. People with excessively loose skin should not opt for this treatment method as it can cause further loosening of the skin when the fat is removed from the area. The whole treatment does not require anaesthesia and has no complications as well, hence no post-op restrictions are applied in the normal physical activities of the patient.


This is another highly preferred method of fat removal by dermatologists. In Trusculpt a radiofrequency machine is utilized which efficiently makes heat reach every layer of fat in the body and simultaneously maintain a very normal temperature in the body which does not irritate. This process being a minimally invasive surgical treatment requires no usage of knives and no scarring as well.

After opting for TruSculpt effective results are visible after 12 weeks. After that, it can be reapplied if required. There are no chances of post-op complications after the treatment as well hence no restrictions are applied in normal physical activities as well.


This is one of the newly invented procedures which are again minimally invasive treatment procedure. Kybella involves an injection containing deoxycholic acid which when injected in the area containing fat it melts the fat globules and delocalizing it which later on is flushed out of the body by natural methods. The side effects of Kybella are that it causes an excessive amount of bruising on the injected area. The bruising stays for four to five days. The treatment requires to be repeated for five to six weeks with an adequate number of gaps to heal the bruising. Since this method causes some pain many people are sceptical of going for this. But someone who is planning to get a chiselled jawline can try this out since the effects are permanent.

Considering all the pros and cons of the treatments, it is expected that anybody who is planning to get excess fat removed will get the desired results easily.

