Protecting Pennsylvania Families from the President’s Health Law

Congressman Joe Pitts
Healthcare in America
2 min readFeb 2, 2016

Remarks delivered on the floor of the House of Representatives, February 2, 2016.

Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of the millions of families across the country who have had their health insurance disrupted by the President’s health law, and the millions more Americans who don’t want the government giving their money to abortion providers.

Some six million households across the country have lost the health plans that they liked, or lost their doctors, even though President Obama promised 37 times that this would not happen.

Hundreds of my constituents have contacted me to tell me about higher premiums, higher deductibles, and coverage lost outright. Michael Cain of Lancaster contacted me recently to tell me that his premiums have nearly doubled just in the two years since the implementation of the President’s health law.

Jennifer Hoy of Ephrata wrote to me that her family lost three out of four of her children’s doctors. Imagine the stress of a mother in that situation.

Deborah Kennedy of Columbia contacted me to tell me that in November she spent countless hours trying to operate the broken website. She lost her insurance, and had to buy insurance nearly 50% more expensive while living on a fixed income.

These are hard-working Pennsylvania families who did nothing wrong, but have been victimized by the arrogance of a federal government that thinks that it knows better than the people, that tries to bully hard working American families.

The legislation we are considering today saves taxpayers money and treats them with respect. Mr. Speaker, 84 percent of this country supports restrictions on abortion, however, this Administration is giving their tax dollars to organizations that kill innocent babies. Today’s legislation channels taxpayer money away from organizations that provide abortion toward something all Americans can support — federally qualified health centers. These centers are focused on caring for the poorest in our communities, and they actually care for women’s health. Unlike Planned Parenthood, they actually do mammograms.

A vote for this bill is a vote for the millions like Deborah Kennedy, Jennifer Hoy and Michael Cain who have borne the consequences of an out of control federal government. I yield back.

