Public Health in the Workplace: Where Are We Now?

Adrian Johansen
Healthcare in America
5 min readJul 15, 2019

Image Source: Pixabay

Regardless of the industry you serve, all employees want to know that the company they work for values their personal safety. Over the years, there have been several pieces of legislation put in place to ensure that companies maintain standards of safety and don’t cut corners that put employees at risk.

But the balancing act between work and health is complex in nature and has evolved considerably over the years. So where do we stand today? Below, we’ll review your legal rights when it comes to workplace health and safety while also taking a look at recent and future changes in policy standards.

Understanding Your Legal Rights in the Workplace

Image Source: Pixabay

All employees have equal rights when it comes to workplace safety. This means that, regardless of whether you’re an owner, supervisor, or part-time employee, businesses have the legal responsibility of providing a safe working environment and complying with all occupational health and safety requirements.

Depending on the industry you work in, there may be different workplace health standards put in place with your employer that are unique to your job, but are still enforceable legal standards.

Healthcare Facilities

Hospitals and medical offices expose employees to potentially dangerous chemicals, lab equipment, and airborne illnesses. In order to mitigate any threats to personal safety, these facilities are required by law to put in place preventative measures to ensure public safety. For example, one way healthcare facilities reduce workplace hazards is by implementing an Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS). These proactive systems comprised of policies, procedures, and monitoring tools help healthcare facilities mitigate unforeseen safety hazards while ensuring staff are adequately prepared to deal with emergencies if and when they occur.

Construction Sites

Construction sites can be riddled with danger, especially when in busy traffic areas or on high-rise buildings. Construction sites also often use heavy equipment and machinery, all of which can lead to serious injury if proper precautions are not taken. Construction offices are responsible for ensuring the safety of their staff by providing them with adequate training and safety equipment to keep themselves and the public safe from any workplace incidents.

Schools and Universities

Workplace safety standards also extended to schools and universities, and equally apply to both students and teachers. Online training, tools, and resources need to be readily available to anyone attending these facilities so they are readily prepared in the event of security issues, natural disasters, or other emergencies.

Workers’ Compensation and Disability Allowances

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Workers’ compensation, or Workman’s Comp, is an insurance that employers pay to help provide benefits to employees who are injured or become ill while at their place of employment. When injured on the job, employees or their families have the right to receive compensation in the following areas wherever applicable:

  • Medical Expenses
  • Funeral Costs
  • Lost Wages
  • Ongoing Care Costs

Employers are also responsible for creating safe and accessible working environments for employees with permanent or temporary disabilities. All employees with disabilities deserve to have the same benefits and advantages of those that don’t. Employers have a duty to ensure this happens by making reasonable workplace adaptations to accommodate disabled workers.

Common adjustments that can be made to ensure the safety of disabled employees are creating accessible entrance and exits to facilities. Wheelchair ramps and handicapped bathroom stalls are also important additions to ensure both comfort and safety. Employers are also responsible to ensure any path for travel remains unobstructed. This is especially important in the event of an emergency and the building needs to be evacuated.

The Future of Occupational Workplace Standards

Image Source: Pixabay

The state of public health and safety is rapidly evolving. As the world around us continues to change, so does perspective when developing safer working environments and enforcing better standards.

Newer technology has proven to be a double-edged sword when it comes to personal safety. While industrial automation used in construction and manufacturing can be extremely beneficial, they also introduce new potential hazards in the workplace that can be difficult to prepare for. Improper installation of self-automated equipment or unexpected mechanical failures from heavy-duty robotic machinery can lead to dangerous occupational hazards such as flying debris, electrical overloads, and fire hazards left from leaking hydraulic oil as a result of unmonitored operations.

Workplace demographics are also rapidly changing and businesses have a responsibility to adapt to these changes. Younger workers coming into the workforce with less knowledge and experience demand the attention of businesses to ensure they’re adequately trained.

A common strategy now for many organizations to ensure the safety of their employees is hiring an Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Specialist. An OSHA specialist’s primary responsibilities are to identify hazardous or potentially hazardous situations in an office and create new safety programs to counteract them. In the event of a questionable or complex workplace safety incident, the OSHA specialist is also responsible for launching an investigation, determining how the problem happened and what can be done to mitigate safety risks moving forward.

Public health in the workplace is an important topic that demands the attention of both employers and employees alike. By knowing your rights and ensuring you do your part to contribute to safer working environments, we all will benefit from better public safety moving forward and effective policies that keep it enforced.



Adrian Johansen
Healthcare in America

I’m a writer and adventurer in the Pacific Northwest! Always in the pursuit of more knoweldge! Check out my writing on Contently or Twitter