The Canadian Healthcare System Is Sick, But We Can Fix It

Healthcare in America
3 min readJun 18, 2015

The Canadian healthcare system is showing signs it has come down with something, but as innovative Canadians always say — yes, we can fix it. A 2015 Ipsos Reid poll showed that three quarters of Canadians feel that their healthcare system is among the very best in the developed world, but many have grave concerns about it.

From British Columbia to the Maritimes, caregivers and patients are coming forward with complaints about the Canadian healthcare system’s shortcomings. Some complain that there aren’t enough beds for patients, not enough money to pay for much-needed repairs, people being forced to pay for items that were once provided by hospitals (such as diapers) and the nurse/patient ratio is worsening. Others complain about long wait times to see doctors, or to have tests like colonoscopies, MRI’s and others. However one thing is certain, emergency care in Canada is the best. Serious emergencies are handled efficiently and quickly. No one goes broke from any medical procedure in Canada. No one is denied coverage for any medical condition. No one is turned away because they have no money.

The aforementioned poll also revealed that a majority of Canadians think that patients have a role to play in improving the healthcare system. Interestingly, if provided the right tools, patients could actually play an important part in reducing the cost of healthcare in Canada, while simultaneously freeing up money that could be used to hire more doctors or to fix hospitals in need of repair.

So what can we put in the hands of people that will make such a difference? The answer is RxPense. The device is an integrated, intelligent and connected medication management and remote monitoring system. Designed with seniors, chronic care patients and those with complex medication regimens in mind, the machine is perfect for pill dispensing, health monitoring and health management. A great thing about it is that it can keep patients self-reliant and keep them from having to seek medical aide outside of their homes.

The device ensures that patients get the right medications at the right time and this alone is huge. After all, 10%-30% of all hospital admissions come as a result of medical noncompliance. Can you imagine how much better things would be if we could eliminate that many admissions? It would free up an enormous number of beds, make more doctors and nurses available to others and drastically reduce hospital expenses. In a world where men and women are having urgent surgeries postponed because of a lack of recovery rooms, solutions such as this need to be explored.

The RxPense telemedicine capabilities can also be used to give people increased access to doctors. Medical specialists can interact with their patients and look over their medical data without either party having to travel and the practicality of this hardly needs to be mentioned. Having more access to doctors is sure to help keep patients healthy and out of hospitals. With fewer folks visiting hospitals for medical care and consultations, more resources can be devoted to the patients who truly need that extra attention. In our rapidly aging society, doing a better job of managing the Canadian healthcare system’s limited resources will ultimately do wonders for it and put it on the path to recovery.



Healthcare in America

Medication adherence solutions for Seniors and Chronic Care patients