Who is canceling out your vote?

David Joe Kingman
Healthcare in America
3 min readMay 4, 2017

The conservative voter thinks his/her vote will be canceled out by a politically correct coastal liberal atheist actor who has never had to ‘do a honest days work’ and wants everything handed to him by the government or wants to raise their taxes to help lazy people not work. He/she doesn’t understand why liberals want to ‘take my guns away’.

The conservative voter is sure they lost their job, or hasn’t got a raise in pay because of too many government regulations. The conservative voter is sure too many immigrants are taking available jobs away or, at least driving wages down.

The conservative voter is sure that ‘my company’ suffers, or ‘my investments suffer’ because of too high a tax burden and also overreaching government regulations. Corporations are basically good and should regulate themselves, or the market will decide if a company is good or not.

The conservative doesn’t understand why they want to kill innocent children with abortions, or if they understand it, they think ‘Women’s Rights’ is a lame argument to take an innocent life. conservatives do not want the government to finance abortions.

The bloated federal government does way too much, period. The Federal government is inept and doesn’t understand business. Much of what the Federal government does should be passed to the States to decide. The Federal government should be much smaller except for the military. Churches should be the ones to help the poor, not government. The government is too inept to be put in charge of healthcare.

The progressive voter thinks his/her vote will be canceled out by a rich climate change denying privileged 1%er who doesn’t care that poor and working class people can’t afford corporate healthcare or even afford corporate heath insurance. Progressives think conservatives only care about taking away women’s rights and don’t care about minorities rights either.

Progressives don’t understand why conservatives only care about being able to carry a concealed gun into a school, bar or movie and want to buy a gun anytime they want without any background checks. Or why conservatives, in spite of the evidence, don’t care about deranged gunmen killing their loved ones. Progressives think the argument to arm everyone as a solution to gun violence is insane. Progressives don’t understand why conservatives are in favor of letting crazy people have guns. Progressives secretly admire what Australia has done with their gun laws.

Progressives don’t understand why we need to spend more on the military or for more prisons when we already out spend the world on these things.

Progressives don’t understand why conservatives want to ruin the environment or not provide every child with a good education and opportunities for a better life. Progressives doesn’t understand why working class voters in “flyover states” don’t vote in their best interest, as progressives see it, or why the term “flyover state” is offensive.

Progressives feel government programs that help and protect the majority of people are too often cut or are woefully under funded.

Progressives understand that there is some waste in social programs. That some unscrupulous people will take advantage of any system but helping the majority is worth it. Progressives think conservatives using the ‘freeloader’ argument is self serving and selfish.

Progressives think universal healthcare is possible, desirable and is not particularly socialist.



David Joe Kingman
Healthcare in America

✐Artist✑ & Glasbläser, A carbon based life form. Facebook/IG - KingmanArts, Tweets - Kingman_Arts