Angie P
Healthcare in America
3 min readJan 14, 2017


They are literally going to let people die. So no, I won’t “give them a chance” and I won’t “wait to see what they come up with.” I won’t keep my mouth shut, I won’t let things slide just to keep the peace. I won’t agree to disagree. I won’t play nice. Here we go again? Yep! Here we go again.

People. Are. Going. To. Die.

That’s not an exaggeration. That’s not hyperbole. It’s not a scare tactic. That’s not the media telling me what to believe. That’s not being dramatic.

This is party over country. This is pure politics. This is our so-called leaders literally locking people out of their public offices when trying to deliver petitions and shutting their phones off when they’re inundated with calls objecting to their actions. This is Republicans claiming to give a damn about people then doing the exact opposite of what an overwhelming majority of those people want.

They are sentencing people to death.

People will literally die.

But tell me again how they’re pro-life. Tell me again about their “social conscience.” Tell me again about so-called freedoms. Tell me again how it’s the media that I don’t watch spinning things and telling me what to believe when I can look at their voting records for my damn self. Tell me again how I live in a liberal bubble in my all red, poor as fuck county with my republican congressman while I’m living in my now red state with a republican governor, house and senate. Tell me how I live in a bubble of “liberal elitism” with my high school diploma because I have a damn library card and actually use it. Tell me again how I live in a liberal bubble when I can’t go to a restaurant in my one stop light town without hearing racist jokes and seeing nothing but Trump signs in front of city hall on Election Day. Tell me again how I live in an echo chamber because I removed hate-filled people from my Facebook feed.

Tell me again that it’s “just politics” and “what’s done is done” and how I have to sit back and hope for the best. Tell me again what someone on Reddit had to say about unsubstantiated bullshit because you don’t understand the concept of your own confirmation bias. Tell me again to calm down and tell me things will work themselves out when I won’t have insurance when they’re through. Tell me again to relax as I watch my mother sob in pain daily while I know she may not have insurance when Republicans are done. Tell me again about how fantastic you felt with your protest votes and your third parties and your “dismantle the system” mindset. That system saves lives. That system feeds poor kids. That system funds your schools, your roads, saves the air you breathe and keeps the roof over your head from collapsing in on you. That system is not perfect, far far far from it, but starting over isn’t an option. Anarchy isn’t either. Tell me again how a two year old with cancer can meet his lifetime insurance caps and you find that acceptable. Tell me how rape is a justifiable pre-existing condition and that should allow insurance companies to deny rape victims coverage. Tell me that’s the cost of doing business. Tell me again how you started following politics six months ago but now you’re an expert.

Tell me again about those fucking emails.

Yeah. Here we go again.

