Why is Concierge Healthcare So Popular in Miami Beach?

Tyler F.
2 min readJan 26, 2016


Concierge Doctors are Here to Stay in Miami Beach

It goes by many different names — VIP healthcare, concierge medicine, private healthcare — but the idea remains: higher quality, highly personalized healthcare. It’s a daring business model that is exploding in the face of an increasingly complex traditional healthcare system.

There’s one place in particular where this model of healthcare has become increasingly popular and is growing an especially fast rate.

In no other city will you find higher quality, more personalized healthcare, than Miami Beach, Florida.

For over a decade now, EliteHealth has been providing concierge healthcare services to patients located in Miami Beach. Elite’s group of concierge doctors have opted to see fewer and fewer patients, while offering higher quality services to those who they continue to serve.

Rather than annual “assembly line” checkups, infamously lasting less than ten minutes, EliteHealth’s Concierge Doctors provide hour-long visits, often times coming to patients’ homes. But there’s a lot more to VIP doctors than just longer check-ups. In fact, with many Miami Beach residents and visitors, that’s just the beginning.

Want to quit smoking or work on stress management?

What about face your depression or anxiety?

All of these issues fall under preventive healthcare. All of these issues can be handled with the right team of concierge doctors that are focusing on your wellness.

To read more about why Concierge Medicine has skyrocketed in popularity, visit: http://university.elitehealth.com/concierge-doctors-in-miami-beach/

Originally published at university.elitehealth.com.

