Would Your Doctor Be Able To Diagnose a Tick Borne Disease?

David Colleran
Healthcare in America
1 min readJan 15, 2016
Tick bite irritation

If you live in Pennsylvania or any region in the upper Northeast, you are probably no stranger to ticks. These little pests may be an unwanted travel companion during your hike or outdoor activity, hitching onto your clothes or pets before attaching themselves to you.

While tick bites can be irritating, most are treatable with basic care, and may require only minimal medical assistance. However, some tick-borne illnesses, including Rocky Mountain spotted fever or Lyme disease, can cause serious complications and leave victims with life-long health issues, especially if they are not caught in time. Continue reading on our site to learn more about how to identify tick borne illnesses.

Originally published on The Colleran Firm’s website on October 26th.



David Colleran
Healthcare in America

Trial lawyer at Philadelphia medical malpractice law firm.