You should know about veggies that can burn fat fast

Christie D'soza
Healthcare in America
3 min readSep 21, 2017

An obese body is problematic, isn’t’ it? It brings up many issues, i.e. difficulty in getting clothes, lack of confidence, and problem in movement.

Are you obese? Have you ever figured out what the factors behind it are? If you’re worried about how to lose weight, stay calm and read this.

Obesity occurs for several factors like genetic issues, stress, overeating, sedentary habits and eating fatty foods.

Visceral fat is stubborn that most of the people want to get rid of, for it deforms your body and appearance. As the cortisol-a hormone, level increases in the body, abdominal fat increases.


Vegetables can help reducing belly fat, and promote weight loss. The actual advantage of using vegetables to burn fat is that they offer good volume, fibers and phytonutrients which bring satiety.

How does this work? Take an example: if you were hungry and eaten two snacks packs, have you felt full? Of course not, but if you have eaten one bowl of sliced cucumbers, you may feel great satisfaction. It is amazing that a bowl of cucumber slices contains fewer amounts of calories than snacks pack. Hence, veggies keep you on track if you intend to lose weight.


Vegetables are colorful. With different color and taste, they possess different nutrients and fibers.

With the good level of antioxidants, you become able to lose weight and fight disorders.


Terrific for your eyes, skin and heart are yellow and green vegetables. This group combats several diseases, infections and cancer.

Beta carotene is sufficient in this group that protects skin, promotes eye health and delay ageing.

Beta-carotene serves as a precursor to vitamin A, which destroys free radicals from the body, reduce inflammation and combat oxidative stress.

Vitamin C is the superb compound in this group, which lessens stress hormones and help to eradicate belly fat.

You can add yellow and orange vegetables in your food: carrots, lemon, corn, summer squash, pumpkin, yellow tomatoes, orange and yellow papers.


Another part of vegetables is greens. This group is famous for Vitamin A & C, same as the yellow and orange group.

Green leafy reduces oxidative stress, reduce stress hormones and eliminate belly fat.

Green leafy veggies offer folic acid, which is the best protein to digest food and boost metabolism. Boosting metabolism means scorching calories just like chewing.

Protein in food needs proper metabolism which is possible with the help of folic acid. It stabilizes body’s insulin, for fluctuation in insulin levels aggravates storage of belly fats.

Green veggies are cucumbers, broccoli, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, capsicum, zucchini, kale, spinach and lettuce.


This group of Veggies is rich in phytochemical lycopene. A potent antioxidant which can protect heart from stroke, arteries damage and prostate cancer, it decreases the level of plaque in arteries.

This factor is supportive for obese people, who are suffering from overweight disorders.

The purple and red veggies are eggplant, beets, red cabbage, purple cabbage, tomatoes, red peppers and red onions.


The unique group of veggies that fights blood cholesterol level is white. Its famous pigment anthoxanthins contains allicin-a fighting chemical against diseases.

Adding these veggies in food reduce cholesterol level of body stabilizes blood pressure and combat inflammation. Learn more at



Christie D'soza
Healthcare in America

I'm a Nutritionist, blogger and author at I love writing on diet. Based on research evidences, my articles publish in different forums