Can stress cause bladder problems?

priya shetty
Published in
3 min readDec 10, 2019

Bladder problems can cause numerous health issues and can adversely affect the way of life. The sudden and frequent urge to urinate might generate issues with your personal lifestyle making you socially isolated, and also letting you feel embarrassed. An overactive bladder could have an underlying medical problem and also might be severe.

Stress — bladder problems

Stress can cause bladder problems which are defined in medical terms as stress incontinence.

Immense stress can sometimes result in having incontinence. Stress incontinence or the involuntary and unintentional loss of urine is not related to psychological stress. Stress incontinence affects women more than men.

In women, the pelvic floor muscles may function poorly due to nerve damage or tissue injury, which are a common complication during childbirth. Stress incontinence occurs from this damage and could arise immediately after delivery or maybe years later. In men, stress incontinence occurs due to surgical removal of the prostate gland, which is necessary if the person is suffering from prostate cancer. This surgery weakens the floor muscles of the bladder and results in bladder stress incontinence.

The symptoms of stress incontinence will make you experience urine leakage when you are physically moving.

The following movements which can trigger involuntary urine leakage are as follows-

● Coughing

● Sneezing

● Laughing

● Standing up

● Getting down a car

● Lifting something heavy

● Exercising

● During sexual intercourse

Any elevating pressure activity can trigger incontinence and could make the person vulnerable to accidental urine loss, especially when the bladder is full. Thus, it is evident that stress causes irregularities in the bladder which results in the weakening of the bladder muscles

Stress-related bladder problems occur during a physical change of the body. These changes can be-

● Childbirth and pregnancy

● Pelvic surgery

● Weak muscles around the bladder

● Menopause

● Menstruation

● Obesity and smoking

Health problems which occur for a short term can also cause temporary incontinence. The overactive bladder also is known as reflex incontinence is the involuntary contraction of the bladders muscular wall, which causes the urge to urinate without the possibility of holding the urine for a more extended period of time. This sudden urge for urinating happens when a person suffering from incontinence is either making sudden physical moves such as standing, sitting or has heard a sound of running water, and even during sex, specifically during the time of orgasm.

If you are experiencing any discomfort with your bladder, then get the best urologist in Chennai to treat your problem.

There are various factors which influence in generating stress incontinence. The following points below are some of the trigger factors for stress-related bladder problems:

● Physical changes associated with ageing can start weakening muscles of the bladder and can make you more defenceless to stress incontinence. It is also worthy to note that stress incontinence can occur at any age.

● Vaginal and forceps deliveries can maximise the risk of developing urinary incontinence.

● People with excess weight have a higher risk of developing urinary incontinence. The overweight on the abdominal and pelvic organs increases the pressure on the bladder.

● Surgeries such as prostatectomy in men and hysterectomy in women can more likely generate bladder problems.

There are also several complications attached to stress incontinence which are generally personal distress, and embarrassment that an individual can feel when suffering from stress bladder problems. Constant urinating can also affect the area, as skin which is in contact with urine can develop rashes and cause skin irritation.

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priya shetty

Medical Student and enthusiast. #fortisheartfailurecentre #hearttransplantsurgeonINDIA