Health Benefits of Dietary Fiber

Minoti Dighe Gadre
HealthDekho Healthcare
4 min readFeb 26, 2018

You must have heard dietary fiber is good for health. But exactly what is it and how does it help in improving your health?

Fiber is a type of carbohydrate which is non-calorific and non-digestible in nature. There are simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates. Fiber comes under the complex carbohydrates variety. Another type of complex carb is starch — starches are broken down into smaller molecules during the digestion process and finally broken to simple sugars which are absorbed in the blood stream. However, fiber is not a digestible nutrient.

There are two kinds of dietary fiber, soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. Both are valuable nutrients. Soluble fiber dissolves in water, has a potential for lowering glucose levels in blood and also causes a decrease in blood cholesterol. Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water, can help in passage of food in the digestive tract i.e. may lead to movement of food through your digestive system, supporting regularity of bowel and help prevent constipation.

Daily Requirement of Fiber

According to the eating plan by American Heart Association, eat different types of foods rich in fiber. Daily dietary intake from food should be 25 to 30 grams. It has been observed that practically, a much lower amount of fiber is consumed by people on daily basis.

Food Sources of Fiber

Sources of soluble fiber are Foods with soluble fiber include oats, oatmeal, nuts, beans, lentils, fruits such as apples, guava, blueberries etc. and vegetables such as ladies finger, cooked carrots, cabbage, string beans, spinach etc.

Sources of insoluble fiber are bran, wheat, whole wheat bread, whole grain couscous, brown rice, legumes, a variety of whole grains, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes etc.

Health Benefits of Fiber

1. Weight Loss: — Fiber increases the duration of food to be in stomach. That is, it slows the stomach emptying time. Thus you may feel full for a long period of time and would not unnecessarily eat. This ultimately helps in less intake especially if you reduce on the intake of high calorie, unhealthy foods, the net result is healthy weight loss.

Also, as high fiber foods are more satisfying, hence even though you eat less, you feel full. Also fiber rich foods being whole, have higher nutrient value than processed and refined foods. They are generally low on fats and added sugars which again is a good option for people who are already overweight or obese.

2. Diabetes Mellitus: — Fiber helps in a sustained release of sugar into the blood. Thus help in controlling the glucose levels in diabetics. Some studies reveal that cereal fiber and a diet low in high glycemic index foods (foods that raise blood glucose levesl) reduces the risk of diabetes mellitus.

3. Heart Disease: — Soluble fiber present in flaxseeds, beans oats and oat bran may help lower total blood cholesterol levels by lowering LDL, or “bad,” cholesterol levels. Studies have also revealed that properties such as decrease in inflammation and blood pressure which are markers of a healthy heart are exhibited by high-fiber foods.

4. Constipation: — Dietary fiber increases the bulk of your fecal matter and makes it softer. A bulky and heavier stool makes its passage easier through the digestive tract, reducing chances of constipation.

On the contrary, if you suffer with watery and loose stools, soluble fiber may help to harden the stool because it absorbs water. Hence intake of soluble fiber may help during diarrhea/loose motions as well. Do consult your doctor and nutritionist to know which foods, in what forms to be included in diet or which supplements to consume if you suffer from diarrhea/loose motions.

5. Diverticular Disease: — Diverticulitis is the inflammation of colon that is large intestine. Studies suggest that a diet high in insoluble fiber in the diet helps in decreasing the risk of diverticular disease.

6. Breast Cancer:- A study at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health showed that women, particularly during adolescence and early adulthood who included more dietary fiber especially in the form of vegetables and fruits, were at a lower risk of breast cancer.

# When you increase the fiber level in your diet, always accompany it with increased amount of water intake- only then the fiber will be able to perform its functions. If the water intake is not increased the fiber may harm your digestive system adversely.

Hence make it a point to include fiber rich foods in your daily diet and enjoy the varied benefits of the same!!

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