Health Benefits of Kiwifruit!

Minoti Dighe Gadre
HealthDekho Healthcare
3 min readMar 29, 2019

Kiwi, also called kiwifruit is power-packed with a lot of nutrition in a small package. It is not only loaded with nutrients but also is very tasty.
It shows many health supporting functions and is greatly valued for the same.
The kiwifruit plant has been grown in China for years and in the early 20’s was transported to New Zealand where it was grown to a very large extent and also was exported to many countries worldwide.
It has a firm brownish skin with small hair-like structures on the outside. This skin needs to be removed below which is the juicy fruit, mostly green in color with dark small seeds in the inside.

Potential health benefits comprise of being a rich in antioxidants, improvement of gastrointestinal laxation, lowering of blood lipid levels, and relief from skin disorders.
The main nutrients present in kiwi and their health benefits are as follows:
1. It is an excellent source of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is a very potent anti-oxidant and helps in preventing the damage caused by destructive free radicals which lead to a number of diseases such as cancer, blocks in blood vessels providing blood to heart (heart diseases), is required to maintain healthy skin, helps in delaying the overall ageing process etc.

2. Dietary Fiber: Nowadays, the digestive aids for healthy individuals, and for conditions such as constipation and other gut related disorders of kiwi are of interest in particular. Now these health benefits can be as a result of fiber content in this fruit. The soluble fiber present in it not only helps with the digestive issues but this type of fiber is also associated with reduction of cholesterol in blood, reduction in heart problems.

3. Lutein: Kiwifruit contains a type of phytochemical called lutein. Lutein helps prevent age-related loss of sight and safeguards eyes, thus promoting healthy vision.

4. Antioxidants: In addition to vitamin C, kiwi contains many anti-oxidants, which by now, you already must have known are responsible for preventing various types of diseases and disorders such as heart diseases, diabetes, cancer, delay ageing etc.

5. Potassium: It’s a good source of potassium which is essential for maintaining fluid-electrolyte balance in your body.

6. Zinc: Zinc is present in kiwifruit which is an important mineral. It is required for your immune system to function accurately. It has a role to play in wound healing, growth and division of body cells, wound healing, metabolism of carbohydrates etc.

7. Magnesium: Kiwi also contain magnesium which is again a mineral and essential for a host of bio-chemical reactions in your body. It helps maintain healthy muscles and bones. Also required to maintain immunity and helps in production of energy.

With so many health promoting properties, kiwi can definitely be included as a part of a healthy, balanced diet.

How to select a kiwifruit?

Select a firm and unbruised fruit. Avoid buying a soft fruit or the one with creased or blemished skin.

How to store a kiwifruit?

This fruit keeps for many days when stored at room temperature. It may stay good for around 4 weeks if refrigerated at home. However, eating it as fresh as possible is recommended for maximum benefits.


