Reduce Salt, Gain Health!

Minoti Dighe Gadre
HealthDekho Healthcare
4 min readMar 16, 2018

Common salt in its chemical terms is known as sodium chloride; wherein sodium is (40%) while chloride is 60%. It gives taste to our foods. But it is an acquired taste, the more salt you eat in foods, the more you will crave for it and the lesser you eat it, the craving will be lesser. Yes, you may call it addictive! It’s no brainer when I say that eating too much salt is harmful for your health!

The words salt and sodium are used interchangeably many-a-times. But both are different. Salt is a compound made from sodium and chlorine, crystalline in nature and found in nature amply. While sodium is a mineral and one of the chemical constituent found in salt. Sodium is not only present in salt but various other foods and other substances. Sodium is an essential nutrient required for maintaining water-electrolyte balance in the body and for carrying out many other important processes. As we know, excess salt is bad for health, so is excess sodium.

Daily Recommendation of Salt

Sodium intake in adults should be less (the sodium coming from common salt and processed foods), to maintain good health and to prevent the risk of diseases such as hypertension (High Blood Pressure), heart diseases, stroke and kidney diseases. WHO recommends adults to reduce their salt intake to 5 grams a day, this is equivalent to slightly less than 1 tsp. in a day per adult.

Adults with hypertension and prehypertension should further reduce their sodium intake and couple it with DASH diet (Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension) and some exercise. Know more about DASH diet here .

Salt intake of children should also be reduced as children are also exposed to the risk of diseases caused from excessive salt intake from young age itself.

Ways to Reduce Salt from the Diet

1. Fresh is Healthy

Opt for fresh vegetables and fruits in the form of salads (with less or no added salt). Also, choose fresh poultry (without skin), fish, and lean meat instead of preserved, tinned or cured variety. Eating freshly cooked foods, freshly cooked homemade foods will help in reducing the salt and sodium content of your diet. Fast foods, packaged and restaurant foods are generally high on salt!

2. Seek Hidden Salt

Salt is hidden in processed and packaged foods. Beware of them. Choose only the foods which contain low sodium levels. Salt (sodium chloride) is one of the most common preservatives used. There are several others such as sodium benzoate, sodium nitrate, sodium sorbate, etc. Preservatives help in strengthening the shelf like of these products. Also, added salt and sodium in general, enhances the flavor and taste of the foods one of such harmful taste enhancer is MSG (monosodium glutamate, also called Ajinomoto). Cooking soda is used to make foods fluffy and light. Cooking soda is nothing but sodium bicarbonate present in baked goods and also other food products.

To know the salt and sodium content of processed and packaged foods reading food labels on them is very important. Avoid these foods and choose natural or freshly prepared foods instead. This way you will be able to reduce the intake of hidden salt in them!

Examples of some highly processed and packaged foods

· “Ready-To-Eat” food products

· Ketchups and Sauces

· Chips and Salted Nuts

· Jams, Jellies and Pickles

· Biscuits and Cookies

· Cakes and Fluffy Pastries

· All Tinned/Canned products

Read nutritional facts label and choose foods containing lower sodium levels!

3. Add Less Salt

Many of us have a habit of adding salt to each and every food we eat. We now require to change this habit and gradually reduce the amount of salt we add while cooking foods. Some preparations where addition of salt can be entirely avoided for example to uncooked foods such as salads, juices, plain yogurt, on top of cut fruits and vegetables etc.
Say no to salt shakers or table salt of any type is again a good idea. A lot of salt is present in bouillon cubes, packaged taste makers, which again should be eliminated from the diet.

4. Salt Substitutes

Reduced salt in foods does not mean you have to eat bland and boring food. Spice it up with various herbs and spices! Dried Oregano, Chilli flakes, Thyme, Basil, Curry leaves, Dried Fenugreek leaves to name a few. Garlic, ginger, lime juice enhance flavors of various food preparations as well.

The Myth about Natural Salt/Rock Salt:-

Always remember all salt is salt! Refined or natural rock salts — all are sodium chloride after all, giving same amounts of sodium! Hence it’s a myth that natural salt contain less sodium and hence can be used more instead of refined salt. Natural salt is going to be as hazardous to health as refined salt if too much is consumed!

So this is how you can reduce your salt intake thus reducing your risk of various health issues!

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