World Food Day, 2018!!

Minoti Dighe Gadre
HealthDekho Healthcare
3 min readOct 16, 2018

Today, 16th October is celebrated as world food day in 150 countries across the globe, annually.

It was established in 1979 to raise awareness regarding the issues related to poverty and hunger. Poverty and hunger are grave problems that many countries especially developing and under-developed countries are facing. It is extremely disappointing, as everyone has a right to food. No one should remain hungry and thus be malnourished or die due to hunger.

16th October was selected as the date to honor the foundation of FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) in United States in 1945. Every year since 1981 it has a theme attached to it.

The theme for this year (2018) is “Our actions are our future”. The aim is to create a #ZeroHunger world by 2030.

To avoid hunger, it’s important to ensure that one and all, universally, should have an access to safe, healthy and nourishing foods as per their requirement.

Government organizations, private sector cos. and general public should come together and work towards achieving this goal.

What can be done to accomplish #ZeroHunger and avoid malnourishment?

- Invest more in agriculture, farming: population is estimated to reach a mark of 9 billion in 2050. Thus, effective and integrated farming methodology is necessary to increase crop yield and to improve the quality of the yield (in terms of nourishment)

- Educate farmers about the latest techniques of irrigation and farming

- Minimize food wastage at home on day –to- day basis, at social events (functions and parties), institutes such as hostels, colleges, restaurants etc. where the food is served

- Distribution of the left over foods from such institutes and events

- Reduce raw food wastage while storing, transportation etc.

- Supply food to masses especially to underprivileged populations and in remote areas, drought/famine and flood or war affected areas

- Lower cost or provide free healthy food to the poor section of the society

- Creating awareness about #ZeroHunger by organizing and participating in various educational programs, lectures, camps, write articles and promoting the same through social media and networking (reaching masses is essential)

- Raise the issue of hunger with your local and nationwide establishments and to discuss and implement the ideas as per discussion

- Explain importance of nutrition and provide education to adopt a more healthy and viable diet (… to the community, healthcare providers, right authorities etc.)

The various themes that were followed over several years on world food day are given below, these revolve around the importance of food, agriculture, eradication of hunger, feeding the needy etc.)

  • 1981: Food comes first
  • 1982: Food comes first
  • 1983: Food security
  • 1984: Women in agriculture
  • 1985: Rural poverty
  • 1986: Fishermen and fishing communities
  • 1987: Small farmers
  • 1988: Rural youth
  • 1989: Food and the environment
  • 1990: Food for the future
  • 1991: Trees for life
  • 1992: Food and nutrition
  • 1993: Harvesting nature’s diversity
  • 1994: Water for life
  • 1995: Food for all
  • 1996: Fighting hunger and malnutrition
  • 1997: Investing in food security
  • 1998: Women feed the world
  • 1999: Youth against hunger
  • 2000: A millennium free from hunger
  • 2001: Fight hunger to reduce poverty
  • 2002: Water: source of food security
  • 2003: Working together for an international alliance against hunger
  • 2004: Biodiversity for food security
  • 2005: Agriculture and intercultural dialogue
  • 2006: Investing in agriculture for food security
  • 2007: The right to food
  • 2008: World food security: the challenges of climate change and bioenergy
  • 2009: Achieving food security in times of crisis
  • 2010: United against hunger
  • 2011: Food prices — from crisis to stability
  • 2012: Agricultural cooperatives — key to feeding the world
  • 2013: Sustainable Food Systems for Food Security and Nutrition
  • 2014: Family Farming: “Feeding the world, caring for the earth”
  • 2015: “Social Protection and Agriculture: Breaking the Cycle of Rural Poverty”
  • 2016: Climate change: “Climate is changing. Food and agriculture must too”
  • 2017: Change the future of migration. Invest in food security and rural development.
  • 2018: our actions are our future

(Themes Credit:

So come and join the #ZeroHunger movement on this world food day and make it possible! Together we all can and we will.

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