What is a partial knee replacement? and how far its success rate?

shalini patnaik
Healthiness India
Published in
3 min readMar 5, 2020

Partial Knee replacement surgery is one of the treatments considered for the ailment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint. There is also an alternative treatment for osteoarthritis called the complete knee replacement.

The partial knee replacement is also called a unicompartmental knee arthroplasty, where only the damaged portion of the knee cartilage is substituted with a metal or plastic prosthesis.

When to opt for partial knee replacement surgery?

The surgery is only considered after six months; during this period, the health care provider will give medicines, injections, and physical therapy. Chennai is one of the ideal places to get treatment for this ailment.

Knee replacement Chennai only recommend this process, when the patient has severe arthritis on one side of the knee having the below-mentioned symptoms:

● Knee pains which don’t recover with treatments like medicine, injections, and physical therapy.

● Knee pains that restrict your day to day activities of life like bathing, cooking, bending, and other household chores.

● Failure to sleep in the night because of knee pain.

It also includes other conditions like:

● Knee deformity

● Refractory Osteomalacia

● Avascular and aseptic necrosis

Benefits of Partial Knee Replacement Surgery

Less Blood Loss: In a total knee replacement, there is a greater extent of dissection required for the removal of bone. The need for blood transfusion becomes common.

However, in partial knee replacement, the blood transfusion requirement is less, and patients don’t require to give blood before surgery.

Smaller Incisions: The total knee replacement surgery requires an incision of about 8 inches in front of the knee. To complete the procedure, there is a significant dissection necessary in comparison to the partial knee replacement surgery.

There is a minimal invasion of about 4 inches, and the proportion of incision and bone removal is much in partial knee replacement.

Quick Recovery: The time duration in the hospital, along with functional recovery, consumes lesser time in partial knee replacement surgery. Patients can be discharged in one or two functional days post the operation is conducted.

In traditional knee replacement surgery, the time required is three to four days and may require a stay in the hospital’s inpatient rehabilitation unit.

Normal Knee Kinematics: The motion of the knee joint is compounded and relies on the interactions of your joint surface, muscles, ligaments, and tendons surrounding the joints. When a full knee replacement is operated, many of these parts are removed to allow the insertion of the artificial knee joint.

However, in partial knee replacement surgery, more of these knees structures are present, and hence, the movements and mechanics of the joint are normal.

In fact, in some instances, there were patients who have a complete knee replacement surgery in one leg and partial knee replacement surgery in another leg. The level of comfort was more on the partial knee surgery replacement.

The success story:

Partial knee treatment is for patients who have arthritis in a specific part of the knee. Post the surgery; patients can expect a rehab immediately. The surgery process, when conducted in the right patients, give them a normal feeling in contrast to the full knee replacement.

One of the studies conducted revealed that almost 180 patients found their pain level was relieved after the partial knee replacement. This surgery typically leads to less pain, quality life, and better mobility.

However, patients must take adequate safety as this surgery is not meant for everyone. Post-surgery measures include patients to follow regular exercise as per age and activity level and making appointments from the doctor for medical follow-ups.


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