Bad Breath ? .. It Might be sign of bad Gut Health

Ashima Sethi
4 min readApr 1, 2024

Hi all, my name is Ashima Sethi and I am the owner of this brand Healthinger. Many times, I often get question from many viewers that why they have foul smell coming from their mouth.

To be honest , I myself have experienced this .

I dont want to bore you , so straightway Let’s understand possible reasons for foul smell.

  1. Have you eaten raw Onion or Garlic in your meal?
  2. Or, You have not brushed your teeth properly and some food still stuck in your mouth
  3. Or, You were having cold and you took antibiotics , I have seen some medicines for fever and cold , destroy the mucus thereby releasing gases with pungent smell.
  4. Or, You are going through bad gut health.

Bad Gut health ??? …

You all might be surprised but trust me if you have bad breath from long time ,then there are higher chances that you might be having a bad gut health .

Before I proceed , Do you know what is Gut?

The term “gut” refers to your gastrointestinal (GI) tract, the composition of which is mostly based on the kinds and quantity of bacteria present there.

In simple language understand that there are 2 types of bacteria in your stomach , Good and Bad .

Good Bacteria — It helps us to digest the food by breaking down minreals and create waste in the form of stools .

Bad Bacteria — It creates more problems for our health as these bacetria releases harmful gases such as Methane.

Our Aim should be to reduce bad bacteria and increase good bacteria into our body.

Now you know, What is Gut ?

Its time to know , How can your gut health influences your daily life?

  1. Digestion: Proper breakdown of healthy gut microbiota helps prevent unpleasant digestive problems such as diarrhea, constipation and bloating.
  2. Immune System: The stomach is a key component of immunity. A healthy gut microbiota reduces your risk of infections and autoimmune diseases and trains your immune system to respond to threats.
  3. Mental health: The connection between the gut and the brain has been widely studied. Gut microbiota produce neurotransmitters that influence brain function and mood. Anxiety, melancholy and even sleep disorders are linked to gut microflora imbalance.
  4. General Well-Being: You generally feel better when your gut is in good shape. A better quality of life can be achieved by increasing vitality, better sleep and strengthening the immune system. I have personally felt higher energy levels when my gut works properly… hehehehe

Ok, So now Let’s study, Top 7 Nutrients to support Gut Heath

  • Zinc helps digestion and prevents leaky gut.
  • Magnesium keeps things moving smoothly.
  • Vitamin D helps regulate your gut immune system.
  • Vitamin A helps repair your gut lining and keeps good gut bacteria thriving.
  • Vitamin C helps absorb nutrients and keeps your gut lining healthy.
  • B vitamins help your gut function properly and some promote good gut bacteria.

Here it will be best you will have all those foods in your diet that can give these minerals, but In case you think, you dont have time or you are not sure if you are taking all these 7 Nutirients everyday , then you can opt for GutOptim Supplement.

Let me tell you What Ingredients this supplement have?

  1. Bentonite Clay — It will bind all toxin and unwanted elements in your gut.
  2. Black walnuts — Prebiotics: Black walnuts contain some fiber, which can act as a prebiotic. Prebiotics feed the good bacteria in your gut, promoting a healthy gut microbiome .
  • Early Studies: A small study suggests that eating walnuts daily for eight weeks increased levels of certain beneficial gut bacteria in participants.

3. Flax seeds — I consider this as star ingredient as it can really improve gut lining . I have seen visible results after eating eating flax seeds for 15 days.

Disclaimer: If you have Constipation problem, then you should avaoid taking this supplement



Ashima Sethi

I am a python developer having 4 years of experience in web and application development.