Want to feel better?

Philip Regenie
Published in
Oct 8, 2022

Measure, Analyze, Act

40% of the world’s population have sleep disorders

Health is simple to attain if the resources are available; clean water, wholesome food, shelter, good friends, exercise, and great sleep. Incredibly, good friends and sleep are at the very top of the health pyramid. For great sleep:

  1. go to bed at the same time every night
  2. take a warm shower before bedtime
  3. meditate and breath slowly
  4. make sure your room is dark, very dark

With a good nights sleep you can avoid the chronic conditions of:

  • Mood disorders
  • Sickness
  • Diabetes
  • Infertility
  • Weight gain
  • Low libido
  • Heart disease

Wishing for quality of life for everyone!

