March 25, 2020

RV Health Product Design Team
Published in
3 min readApr 22, 2020

Designing for the Z axis

Love this specific animation for the new iPad Pro landing page, and while the first thing that came to mind was “man I wish we had the budget to do stuff like this”, my second thought was “how do they even concept this?” I assume it’s a bunch of storyboards / fake prototypes to talk your way through it? A lot of times stakeholders and execs have a difficult time visualizing concepts with wireframes, let alone for something like this. How do you sell it through without the real thing? And does that real thing reflect what you were envisioning / what you had sold?

PS. My third thought was “why so long Apple? Have you guys not thought of a better solution than a GIANT scrolling page?”

Mandi Wolters, Senior Product Designer Healthline

Busy scenes with giant office supplies

Photographer Derrick Lin constructs miniature worlds

These miniature scenes of people living stressful lives is somehow very peaceful and soothing to look at. Even though most of the scenes seem busy and somewhat chaotic, the subtle presence of the pencils or paper clip still life give the whole thing a different tone. In a time where I am feeling very anxious (due to the coronavirus) I was drawn to these peaceful scenes.

Sarah Johnson, Product Design Manager Healthline


This is me playing this game rather poorly.

This game is a welcome bit of humor and fun during a very anxious time. Slashing the Coronavirus is oddly satisfying. It gets really good when the toilet paper starts flying in (you lose points if you hit the TP!). I believe it’s important to have a sense of humor about even the most serious things.

Sarah Johnson, Product Design Manager Healthline

Design documentary

Gary Hustwit is a pretty well-known filmmaker in the design world. His documentary Helvetica is usually shown in type classes. To help fight with the cabin fever he is streaming one of his design documentary for free every week on his website. His moto is“ I like the idea of taking a closer look at the things we take for granted and changing the way people think about them, whether it’s type or objects or whatever.” Personally “Objectify” and “Helvetica” are still on my top design documentary list.

Mélanie Yèche, Product Designer, Healthline

