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Integrated Healthcare
Linking healthcare professionals and patients through curated highlights
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The Mind-Body Connection: Nurturing Holistic Health Through Patient Engagement
The Mind-Body Connection: Nurturing Holistic Health Through Patient Engagement
How Integrating Mental Health into Physical Care Can Transform Patient Outcomes
Healthcare Chronicle by Dr. Adam Tabriz
Dec 2
The Power of Storytelling: Why Stories Matter in Patient Care
The Power of Storytelling: Why Stories Matter in Patient Care
The art of storytelling is old and so is the way in which we communicate with each other, as well as shape humanity’s culture. Stories have…
Healthcare Chronicle by Dr. Adam Tabriz
Dec 1
The Science of Happiness: How Healthcare Providers Can Promote Patient Well-Being
The Science of Happiness: How Healthcare Providers Can Promote Pati...
Exploring the Connection Between Happiness and Healthcare
Healthcare Chronicle by Dr. Adam Tabriz
Nov 30
Navigating the Digital Health Maze: Overcoming the Top 5 Challenges to Patient Engagement and…
Navigating the Digital Health Maze: Overcoming the Top 5 Challenges to Patient Engagement and…
Unlocking the Potential of Digital Health Tools for Better Patient Outcomes
Nov 9
Could Alzheimer’s Be Contagious? Delving Into the Controversial Debate
Could Alzheimer’s Be Contagious? Delving Into the Controversial Debate
Exploring the Latest Research and Theories on Alzheimer’s Transmission
Nov 3
“Is our healthcare system leaving chronic pain patients behind?”
“Is our healthcare system leaving chronic pain patients behind?”
The Rising Tide of Chronic Pain: Is Our Healthcare System Falling Short?
Healthcare Chronicle by Dr. Adam Tabriz
Nov 28
Gut and Health: The Lesson Hidden in Your Microbiome
Gut and Health: The Lesson Hidden in Your Microbiome
Think of your body as a busy city. From the heart pumping life into the streets to the brain overseeing the operations center, every single…
Healthcare Chronicle by Dr. Adam Tabriz
Nov 25
Revolutionizing Healthcare: How Nudge Theory and Gamification Elevate Patient Engagement in Hybrid…
Revolutionizing Healthcare: How Nudge Theory and Gamification Elevate Patient Engagement in Hybrid…
Unlocking the Potential of Modern Healthcare with Behavioral Science and Technology
Healthcare Chronicle by Dr. Adam Tabriz
Nov 21
The Sun’s Role in Heart Health: Exploring the Impact of Vitamin D on High Blood Pressure
The Sun’s Role in Heart Health: Exploring the Impact of Vitamin D on High Blood Pressure
One of the keys to lowering blood pressure could be sunshine. High blood pressure, or hypertension, is one of the most common risk factors…
Nov 21
Taking the Reins: Why Modern Individuals Crave Control in Healthcare and Thrive on Engagement
Taking the Reins: Why Modern Individuals Crave Control in Healthcare and Thrive on Engagement
Before, healthcare was a paternalistic system where doctors felt they held all the power, and patients would be told what to do and just…
Healthcare Chronicle by Dr. Adam Tabriz
Nov 20
Innovating Healthcare: Sustainable Repositioning Through Cross-Industry Cluster Collaboration
Innovating Healthcare: Sustainable Repositioning Through Cross-Industry Cluster Collaboration
Harnessing Cross-industry Collaboration Towards Patient Engagement and Continuity of Care
Nov 18
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