HealthMatch Launches in Hong Kong

Manuri Gunawardena
Published in
2 min readJun 24, 2019

Our pathway to greater clinical trial access throughout Asia and our partnership with Roche.

HealthMatch today launches into our third region of coverage; Hong Kong, Macau and the Greater Bay Area of China. The move solidifies our approach to improve access to clinical trials in the broader Asia market and is inline with our mission to provide better access to trials for patients globally.

Doing What Patients Need Next, Roche Partners with HealthMatch

With the launch into Hong Kong comes our announcement of a partnership with Hoffman-La Roche, one of the worlds most innovative and leading pharmaceutical giants.

Whilst drug development is evolving with the benefit of innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence making complex breakthroughs in molecular and cancer therapeutics, patient recruitment for clinical trials remains the Achilles heel of drug development.

In an industry where the patient has typically been a by-product in the drug development process, we are excited to partner with Hoffman-La Roche to ensure patients have better access, choice and empowerment when dealing with their health. Together we equip patients with knowledge and options through the most vulnerable moments of their life.

Asia Pacific, A Growing Hub for Clinical Trials.

Rapid population growth, technological innovation in healthcare and a forward thinking mentality have contributed to Asia Pacific becoming an increasingly popular region to conduct clinical trials. At the same time fragmentation of healthcare systems and, in certain instances limited access for segments of the population, means that patient centric, free resources are even more crucial to democratise access to these potential new therapies.

From Patient to Sponsor and Eliminating All the Barriers In-between

“We have clear demand from both patients looking for clinical trials and the industry looking for a simplified solution to access these otherwise inaccessible patient pools to develop the next generation of healthcare more quickly.”

There is a universality of HealthMatch’s approach, like every individuals’ interest in accessing the best healthcare available. By connecting the very obvious interests from both patients and sponsors and eliminating barriers in-between, we are not only allowing people to access new potential treatments today but, fuelling the innovation of tomorrow’s revolutionary breakthroughs.

