Health Monitor and the lack of lactase diagnostics

Health Monitor ICO
Published in
4 min readFeb 25, 2018

The non-invasive diagnostics of digestive tract diseases is of great interest of modern medicine. The number of people with digestion problems has increased dramatically during the last decade.

Health Monitor, which is based on a non-invasive and painless technology, can detect many diseases. Furthermore, the process of diagnosis is not time-consuming. Let us consider disbiosis (or disbacteriosis), and lack of lactase (special ferment for breaking down sugar).

Theoretical basis of the method.

The diagnosis is based on the digestion of the carbohydrates lactulose, glucose and xylose. During this process, hydrogen, methane, and carbon dioxide are produced. Part of these chemical compounds dissolves in the blood and appears in expired air. Analysis of the levels of admixtures allows a medical opinion about the digestive tract’s condition.

The first mention of respiratory test efficiency appeared in the 1960s. This method was not generally used due to its difficulty. People had to wait patiently until the test was completed. Thus, it was uncomfortable for children.

However, Health Monitor does not have those troubles. A test only requires a blow through the drinking straw. Therefore this test is easily performed on children and persons with disabilities.


The small intestine differs from the large intestine. They have separate functions in the digestion process and differing bacterial flora. In the small intestine the main process of digestion takes place: the enzymes start to degrade proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Hence this part of digestive system is not highly inseminated with bacteria.

In contrast, inside the large intestine there is a variety of micro-organisms. They degrade cellulose and other organics that have not been broken down by enzymes. Because of the bacteria’s existence inside the large intestine, the process of fermentation takes place. As a result, many of gases are emitted. Carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and methane are the most important for diagnostic purposes. These gases dissolve in the blood and can be detected in expired air. The bigger the gas volume produced in the intestine concentration, the higher its concentration in expired air.

In some cases micro flora from the large intestine migrates to the small intestine. This is known as disbiosis. Then the fermentation process starts inside the small intestine. As a consequence, the chemical composition of the expired air changes. Health Monitor registers this change.

Lack of lactase

Lactase is an enzyme that degrades milk sugar (lactose) and is produced by the pancreas. However, many people have problems with synthesis of this enzyme, or cannot produce it at all. These people have an inability to process milk and dairy products.

For adults, it is easy to notice that after drinking milk they usually have abdominal distension and pain, diarrhea, eructation. Unfortunately, children do not know the source of problem, so there is no timely treatment. Health Monitor has an ability to detect this lack of lactase.

How does gas analysis help?

Commonly used standards of disbiosis identification:

Examination of the aspirate from the small intestine. Drawing cultures for bacteria. Sensitivity — 20–100% Specificity — 100%

Small intestine biopsy. Sensitivity — 90%, Specificity — 100%.

However, both of these tests are highly invasive, and require special equipment and professional medical personnel.

In comparison, a respiratory test’s sensitivity reaches 94% and specificity reaches 95%. This test is non-invasive and can be done in day clinic without any expensive special equipment.

The idea of the method is simple: the patient drinks a solution of carbohydrates. Then he breathes into the Health Monitor several times in order to measure any change in early stated gas concentrations. If these gases appear in the probe before the mixture reaches large intestine, it means that bacterial flora is in the small intestine, i.e., disbiosis.

The uniqueness of Health Monitor is that it measures concentrations of three separate gases in real time. This increases the value of obtained data.

Lack of lactase diagnostics

To identify lack of lactase, the only gas needed is hydrogen. Its concentration is measured three times:

On an empty stomach (basal level)

Thirty minutes after taking 150–200 ml of milk.

After an hour.

If hydrogen concentration changes dramatically after an hour (10 ppm and more than a basal level), this indicates a lack of lactase. For a normal level of lactase, hydrogen concentration is originally low, and changes insignificantly after an hour. When the mixture reaches the large intestine, hydrogen starts to emit. Measuring the peak value of concentration, one can calculate the amount of undegraded lactose.

Diagnostic procedure:

Below are the requirements for people to follow before the test.

Lower carbohydrate intake — bread, sugar, flour.

Gargle the oral cavity with anti-bacteria mouth wash.

Cut down smoking and physical activities for 1–2 hours before the test.

Adhere to a low cellulose diet one day before the test.

The precision of the test is great enough to derive a medical conclusion. However, the results of the test are only a recommendation for further medical tests. All data captured via Health Monitor should be interpreted by a doctor.



Health Monitor ICO

The world’s first device for non-invasive diagnostics of diabetes, stomach ulcer and lung cancer. Now running ICO